Refactoring for TDD and interaction design
In TDD, we follow a rhythm of “test-code-refactor.” This basic pattern is useful in all aspects of product development. The basic idea is to avoid building something based on what you think it might need to do in the future. Instead, we build for today, but then constantly look for ways to reconfigure what we’ve created to make it more general, more flexible, more useful. This process is called refactoring. In code, it helps us to build reusable components that are suitable for assembly into complex systems without having to guess which components are needed (or how they should work). In effect, the specific examples drive the spec for what the general pieces should look like.
Sedarlah Remaja Islam
Tidak wajar bagi seseorang manusia yang Allah berikan kepadanya Al Kitab, hikmah dan kenabian, lalu dia berkata kepada manusia: "Hendaklah kamu menjadi penyembah-penyembahku bukan penyembah Allah." Akan tetapi (dia berkata): "Hendaklah kamu menjadi orang-orang rabbani, karena kamu selalu mengajarkan Al Kitab dan disebabkan kamu tetap mempelajarinya.
Generasi inilah yang menyebabkan umat Islam hebat di suatu masa dahulu. Generasi para sahabat dan para tabiin dan tabi’ tabiin..yang kini sudah semakin hilang.
Mengapa generasi ini hilang? Ini semua adalah angkara kafir laknatullah..mereka telah menjauhkan umat Islam sekarang dengan menanamkan penyakit yang telah disabdakan oleh Rasulullah S.A.W. yang akan menjangkiti umat akhir zaman..iaitu cintakan dunia dan takutkan mati. Mereka telah menanamkan penyakit ini dgn menggunakan teknologi-teknologi terkini dan pelbagai alat hiburan. Tv, radio, internet dan media massa adalah antara alat-alat yang digunakan. Mereka memang ingin melenyapkan generasi ini sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surah ke-41 ayat ke-26:
Dan orang-orang yang kafir berkata: "Janganlah kamu mendengar dengan sungguh-sungguh akan Al Qur'an ini dan buatlah hiruk-pikuk terhadapnya, supaya kamu dapat mengalahkan (mereka).
Inilah yang menyebabkan umat Islam sekarang lemah. Kalau dulu Islam sangat disanjungi, dihormati dan digeruni..tetapi sekarang umat Islam disembelih sesuka hati. Dulu para sahabat cintakan akhirat, sanggup mati demi agama untuk syahid mendapatkan syurga. Inilah yang menyebabkan mereka hebat. Hanya takut kepada Allah, terbalik dengan Umat Islam sekarang.
Umat Islam sekarang, cinta dunia. Hidup mereka hanya untuk dunia. Takut untuk mati kerana takut kehilangan dunia yang kononnya indah di pandangam mata mereka. Kerana itu, mereka takut untuk menegakkan kebenaran,takut untuk mengamalkan sunnah, takut untuk mengamalkan Islam yang sebenar. Mereka takut, jika mereka melakukan semua ini, mereka akan kehilangan harta, pangkat, pekerjaan dan juga rezeki. Para ustaz dan ustazah takut untuk menegur kerajaan kerana takut dipecat, orang takut mengamalkan sunnah kerana takut digelar pengganas. Secara ringkasnya,mereka takut kepada manusia! Bukan Allah, pencipta manusia! Sedarlah umat Islam. Agama kita sekarang diperlekeh orang..mereka menghina nabi..membunuh rakyat Palestin, Iraq dan banyak lagi umat Islam di serata dunia. Mereka disiksa dan dibunuh dengan kejam. Pernahkah anda mendengar kisah-kisahnya?
Di palestin, peristiwa Shabra & Shatila misalnya. Pada 16 September 1982, Israel dengan rakusnya membunuh beribu-ribu mangsa di kem yang menempatkan kira-kira 6000 orang pelarian Palestin. Peristiwa pembantaian ini adalah antara peristiwa yang paling kejam yang pernah terakam dalam sejarah dunia. Dalam peristiwa itu, seorang wanita dan bayinya telah disembelih hidup-hidup. Sesiapa sahaja yang terlihat di jalanan turut disembelih. Seorang pemberita Britain Robert Fisk, yang membuat liputan mengenai peristiwa itu berkata:
"Saya menelusuri jalan yang amat mengerikan buat pertama kali dalam hidup saya di kem Sabra Shatila ketika militia masih melakukan pembunuhan dan merogol. Mayat bertaburan dipenuhi lalat, mayat wanita sudah bengkak, jasad bayi bergelimpangan dengan kesan peluru di kepala."
Di Ambon, kisah pembunuhan beramai-ramai umat Islam Indonesia oleh puak pelampau Kristian. Satu kekejaman yang tidak dapat dilupakan, seorang ibu yang sedang sarat mengandung ditahan dan diikat di tiang. Perutnya dibelah dengan pisau sedangkan dia dalam keadaan sedar. Anaknya dikeluar dan dicincang di depan matanya sendiri. Si ibu menjerit-jerit meminta tolong, namun tidak diendahkan. Tidak cukup dengan itu, diambil seekor kucing liar lalu dimasukkan ke dalam perut yang dibelah tadi, lalu bukaan itu dijahit semula. Ibu malang itu dibiarkan di tiang itu lalu dia meningal di situ. Bayangkan betapa tersiksanya ibu itu.
Di Penjara Abu Gharib. Tahanan-tahanan di sini rata-ratanya adalah umat Islam yang dikaitkan dengan peristiwa 11 September dan terlibat dengan Taliban. Mereka disiksa dengan begitu teruk sekali. Diceritakan oleh tahanan-tahanan yang sudah dilepaskan, kafir-kafir Amerika memperlakukan mereka seperti binatang. Mereka dibelasah sesuka hati. Al-Quran dihina di hadapan mata mereka sendiri. Mereka mengoyakkan Al-Quran lalu diguna untuk mengelap kasut, dicampak ke lubang tandas dan bermacam-macam lagi. Seorang tahanan yang baru selesai melakukan pembedahan di perut, dipijak perutnya beramai-ramai oleh tentera-tentera Amerika, sehinga luka jahitan itu terkoyak semula. Seorang tahanan lain, sengaja dibiarkan kelaparan, lalu apabila meminta makanan, dimasukkan tiub ke hidungnya, dan disalurkan cecair najis. Tiub itu ditolak-tolak sehingga terasa di perunya. Tahanan itu mengalami kesakitan yang luar biasa muntah darah.
Itu baru sedikit yang diceritakan, Masih banyak dan kejam lagi yang telah dan masih terus berlaku. Tetapi kita di sini hidup dengan aman tanpa sebarang tekanan. Bebas mengamalkan agama Islam tercinta ini.
Tetapi benarkah Islam di Malaysia ini selamat? Jika rakyat palestin dan iraq menentang dan mati, insya-Allah mereka akan syahid dan masuk syurga. Tetapi bayangkan jika kiamat tiba-tiba berlaku,apakah umat Islam di Malaysia akan terselamat dan masuk syurga seperti mereka? Fikirkanlah…
Sekarang kalau kita keluar ke masyarakat..kita dapat lihat bermacam-macam gejala sosial dan maksiat yang berlaku. Yang lebih teruk, rata-ratanya berlaku di kalangan umat Islam kita ini sendiri. Maksiat dilakukan terang-terangan,tanpa segan silu, malah sebahagiannya berbangga dengan apa yang mereka lakukan. Langsung tidak berasa salah dengan apa yang dilakukan.
Sekarang maksiat berleluasa. Sana-sini terdapat lelaki perempuan yang berkepit-kepit, berjalan-jalan di kompleks membeli-belah laksana suami isteri bahkan lebih daripada itu. Yang berzina juga tidak kurangnya. Kelahiran anak luar nikah semakin banyak dan tidak terkawal. Pengalaman seorang rakan saya yang mendengar kawan di kelas tuisyennya berbual. Rakan saya ini telah mendengar mereka berbual mengenai kehebatan mereka yang telah berzina dengan ramai gadis-gadis sebaya mereka. Mereka ini sudahlah tidak berasa malu malah boleh berbangga dengan apa yang mereka lakukan itu! Pulak tu, kalau ada anak zina dilahirkan, mereka ada yang membuangnya dalam mangkuk tandas, tong sampah dan ada yang menggugurkannya. Apa hendak jadi dengan umat Islam sekarang? Ini adalah salah satu tanda-tanda kiamat sudah hampir. Tidakkah kita sedar?
Seorang senior menceritakan. Dia jual burger untuk dapat duit poket tambahan. Jual bilik ke bilik. Satu malam ni, dia ketuk-ketuk satu bilik ni, tak buka-buka. Dia pun pulasla tombol dan membuka pintu sndiri. Alangkah terkejutnya dia apabila melihat dua orang siswa itu sedang melakukan perbuatan terkutuk kaum sadom di atas katil (homoseks). Senior ini kemudian kembali menutup pintu, dan kaku di situ. Teruk?
Ada banyak lagi cerita. Sampai tak larat saya hendak mnceritakan. Ada remaja yang ditangkap berzina dalam surau (pelajar sekolah agama). Ada perempuan 14 tahun paksa boyfriendnya yang baru 12 tahun buat hubungan seks dengannya.
Kawan saya, masa baru habis SPM buat part time, ajar tution budak-budak sekolah rendah. Dia nampa budak-budak ni handphonenya, N-Gage, sabun, daun dan yang lain-lain yang mahal tu. Dia pulak 3310 je. Bukan tu yang nak jadi ceritanya. Tapi sekali masa habis tution, budak kecik tu datang kat dia, smbil cakap, “Sir, awek Sir ade yang seksi macam ni tak?” sambil menunjukkan gambar-gambar lucah yang ada dalam HPnya. Kawan saya ni terkejut beruklah. Tergamam dia di situ. Ni budak-budak sekolah rendah! Baru-baru ini pula, seorang remaja mengaku merogol neneknya sendiri, dan ini adalah kisah yang paling saya tidak dapat terima!
Kalau yang kita lihat sekarang adalah remaja Islam, maka bayangkan 5-7 tahun lagi..mereka ini akan menginjak dewasa! Ya, kita akan dikelilingi oleh mereka yang pada zaman remajanya pernah berzina, minum arak dan macam-macam lagi perkara yang tak terbayang dek kepala otak kita. Mereka ini akan bernikah, dan berkeluarga serta bekerja. Boleh anda bayangkan kita dikelilingi oleh masyarakat-masyarakat yang seperti ini? Saidina Umar Al-Khattab berkata, kalau nak lihat kekuatan sesebuah negara, lihatlah keadaan remajanya sekarang. Bagaimana remaja kita?
Kebanyakkan Umat Islam rata-ratanya bukan tidak tahu tentang pahala dan dosa. Mereka tahu tetapi buat-buat tak tahu kerana ingin melakukan apa yang disukai oleh hawa nafsu mereka. Mereka menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai tuhan. Lalu Allah sendiri yang MEMBIARKAN MEREKA SESAT. Allah berfirman dalam surah Aj-Jasiah, surah ke 45 ayat ke 23,
”Maka pernahkah kamu melihat orang yang menjadikan hawa nafsunya sebagai tuhannya, dan Allah membiarkannya sesat berdasarkan ilmu-Nya dan Allah telah mengunci mati pendengaran dan hatinya dan meletakkan tutupan atas penglihatannya? Maka siapakah yang akan memberinya petunjuk sesudah Allah (membiarkannya sesat). Maka mengapa kamu tidak mengambil pelajaran?”
Sedarlah saudara-saudara seIslamku..umat Islam kini semakin teruk, Sangat teruk. Mereka tidak lagi takut kepada dosa dan pahala. Inilah tugas kita sebagai seorang muslim untuk mengingatkan mereka. Ini adalah untuk melepaskan kita daripada tanggungjawab kita kepada Allah. Sebagaimana firman Allah dalam surah Al-A’raf,surah ke-7 ayat ke-164.:
Dan (ingatlah) ketika suatu umat di antara mereka berkata: "Mengapa kamu menasihati kaum yang Allah akan membinasakan mereka atau mengazab mereka dengan azab yang amat keras?" Mereka menjawab: "Agar kami mempunyai alasan (pelepas tanggung jawab) kepada Tuhanmu, dan supaya mereka bertakwa".
Allah juga memerintahkan kita untuk sentiasa memberi peringatan kepada orang yang beriman:
Dan tetaplah memberi peringatan, karena sesungguhnya peringatan itu bermanfaat bagi orang-orang yang beriman.(surah Adz-Dzaariayat, surah ke-51 ayat ke 55).
Jadi,tugas kitalah untuk mengubah masyarakat, membina masyarakat, dan akhirnya menahirkan kembali generasi rabbani. Imam Hassan Al-Hudhaibi pernah berkata..
”Tegakkanlah daulah Islam di dadamu, nescaya ia akan tertegak di negaramu.”
Maksudnya, kalau kita nak kembalikan kegemilangan Islam, pertamanya, tegakkan Islam dalam diri kita dahulu. Kalau setiap orang telah tertegak Islam di dadanya, sudah terbinalah negara Islam. Bukan susah pun. Apa yang kita kena buat, sedarkan kawan-kawan, adik-adik, abang-abang dan kakak-kakak kita. Macam mana nak buat? Ceritalah apa yang kita faham mengenai keadaan masyarakat sekarang. Semoga dengan itu mereka tersedar dan ingin mengubah diri.
Maaf, sekarang anda semua mungkin membaca kisah keruntuhan akhlak dan moral orang lain. Mungkin kisah anak orang lain. Mungkin kisah kakak atau adik orang lain. Mungkin kisah saudara orang lain. Tetapi kalau hal ini dibiarkan berterusan, tidak mustahil suatu hari nanti anda akan mendengar kisah adik anda sendiri terlibat dengan hal-hal yang disebutkan tadi. Maaf, saya bukan mendoakan, tetapi ini adalah kenyataan.
Kalau anda yang sedang membaca ini tak mahu mengambil tahu, rasa tak perlu nk susah pikir pasal orang lain, terserah. Jika kita kedekut untuk mengorbankan masa, tenaga dan harta untuk menyedarkan masalah umat ni, kita yang rugi. Firman Allah :
Ingatlah, kamu ini orang-orang yang diajak untuk menafkahkan (hartamu) pada jalan Allah. Maka di antara kamu ada orang yang kikir, dan siapa yang kikir sesungguhnya dia hanyalah kikir terhadap dirinya sendiri. Dan Allah-lah yang Maha Kaya sedangkan kamulah orang-orang yang membutuhkan (Nya); dan jika kamu berpaling niscaya Dia akan mengganti (kamu) dengan kaum yang lain, dan mereka tidak akan seperti kamu (ini).
(Surah Muhammad, surah 47, ayat 38)
Allah akan menggantikan kita yang kedekut ini dengan satu generasi yang tidak akan kedekut macam kita. Mereka ini lebih menyintai Allah dan agamaNya lebih daripada kita dan Allah juga menyintai mereka. Firman Allah:
Hai orang-orang yang beriman, barang siapa di antara kamu yang murtad dari agamanya, maka kelak Allah akan mendatangkan suatu kaum yang Allah mencintai mereka dan mereka pun mencintai-Nya, yang bersikap lemah lembut terhadap orang yang mukmin, yang bersikap keras terhadap orang-orang kafir, yang berjihad di jalan Allah, dan yang tidak takut kepada celaan orang yang suka mencela. Itulah karunia Allah, diberikan-Nya kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Allah Maha Luas (pemberian-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui.
(Surah Al-Maidah, Surah 5, ayat 54)
Jadi sedarlah wahai umat Islam!! Sedarlah Remaja Islam!! Kalau bukan kita yang akan mengembalikan Islam, siapa lagi!!?? Mulakan dengan diri kita! Ya, diri kita! Mulakan sekarang juga!! Ya, Sekarang! Kalau bukan sekarang, bila lagi!? Para sahabat dahulu telah membuktikan mereka mampu menegakkan Islam. Mereka juga remaja. Mengapa tidak kita?
(p/s : Semua kisah dan contoh yang saya bawakan di atas adalah benar-benar belaka)
Nukilan Di Akhir Sya'ban
Setinggi manapun kita berada
Sehebat apapun kejayaan kita
Sebahagia manapun hidup yang dicari
Sekuat apapun usaha yang diletakkan
Semuanya tidak akan berguna tanpa niat yang tulus untuk mengharap redho Allah
Kerana itulah sahaja yang menjadi kayu ukur kita di dunia ini
Sama ada 'BERJAYA' ataupun 'GAGAL'
Kerana saudaraku...
HIDUP ini hanyalah ujian
Dan MATI adalah penamatnya
Tujuan diciptakan dua perkara ini hanyalah untuk menguji kita
Siapakah yang terbaik amalannya
Firman Allah:
Yang menjadikan mati dan hidup, supaya Dia menguji kamu, siapa di antara kamu yang lebih baik amalnya. Dan Dia Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Pengampun.
[Al-Mulk - 67:2]
Oleh itu, kembalilah kepada fitrah penciptaan kita
Diciptakan untuk menjadi hamba
Hanya untuk mematuhi aturan dan ketetapan pencipta kita
Allah yang Maha Berkuasa, Maha Pencipta
Dan Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan supaya mereka (beribadah) menyembah-Ku.
[Adz-Dzariyaat - 51:56]
Maka ujiannya adalah untuk mengikuti segala perintahNya
Juga ujiannya adalah untuk meninggalkan segala laranganNya
Yang semua itu dilakukan
Demi semata-mata untuk mendapatkan redhoNya
Kerana Dialah yang mencipta kita
Maka Dialah yang paling tahu mengapa ditetapkan kita perlu berbuat sesuai dengan ketetapanNya
Umpama seorang jurutera kereta yang menciptakan kereta
Menetapkan bahan bakarnya adalah petrol
Maka jika kita berkeras ingin menggunakan diesel sebagai bahan bakarnya
Dengan alasan ia lebih murah dan menjimatkan
Maka sudah pastilah kereta itu akan rosak teruk dan terpaksa di'overhaul'
Dan begitu jugalah dengan diri kita
Bukan semua kehendak serta keinginan kita boleh dituruti
Juga perkara yang kita rasakan baik itu sememangnya baik untuk kita
Dan bukan semua yang kita bencikan itu tidak baik untuk kita
Tetapi yang terbaik untuk kita adalah apa yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah
Kerana Dia yang Maha Tahu
Sedangkan kita tidak mengetahui
Firman Allah:
Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahui.
[Al-Baqarah - 2:216]
Oleh itu saudaraku
Berhentilah daripada menolak fitrahmu
Sesungguhnya jiwamu inginkan kedamaian
Jiwamu inginkan ketenangan
Jiwamu inginkan kebahagiaan sejati
Kebahagiaan abadi
Dan pastinya kebahagiaan abadi adalah sesuatu yang kekal
Dan pastinya dunia bukan kebahagiaan yang dicari
Meskipun kau berjaya meraihnya
Ia hanyalah sementara
Kesenangan yang memperdaya :
Kehidupan dunia itu tidak lain hanyalah kesenangan yang memperdayakan
['Ali-Imran - 3:185]
Maka KETENANGAN serta KEBAHAGIAAN yang sebenar itu hanyalah apabila kau mengingat Allah:
Ingatlah, hanya dengan mengingat Allah-lah hati menjadi tenteram
[Ar-Ra'du - 13:28]
Dan kembali kepadanya dengan jiwa yang tenang
Bersama hamba-hambanya yang lain
Lalu memasuki SYURGA-Nya yang dikejar oleh setiap makhluk:
Hai jiwa yang tenang, Kembalilah kepada Tuhanmu dengan hati yang puas lagi diridai-Nya. Maka masuklah ke dalam jemaah hamba-hamba-Ku, dan masuklah ke dalam surga-Ku.
[Al-Fajr - 89:27-30]
Dengan mempergunakan setiap detak jantungmu
Setiap kerdipan kelopak matamu
Setiap sedutan nafasmu
Setiap tutur katamu
Setiap cetusan fikiranmu
Setiap setiap langkah kakimu
Setiap apa sahaja yang kau ingin lakukan
Hanya untuk mendapatkan redhoNya
Hanya untuk mendapatkan hanya perhatianNya
Hanya untuk mendapatkan tempat di sisiNya
Bangkitlah wahai jiwa yang mempunyai fitrah yang suci
Tinggalkanlah segala kejahiliyahan yang bersarang dalam diri
Tinggalkanlah segala kemaksiatan yang membelenggu diri
Jangan tertunggu-tunggu lagi
Apakah kauyakin kaumasih hidup selepas detik ini?
Sedarlah wahai diri
Insaflah wahai diri
Temukanlah kebahagiaan hakiki
Cinta sejati
Cinta Ilahi
Bermusafirlah demi mencari kedamaian abadi...
..::Marhaban Ya Ramadhan::..
-Nukilan di Akhir Sya'ban-
Lesson 39: Controlling Varroa Mites Without Medication

Feel free to share these lessons with others. We recently heard where a beekeeping association prints off each lesson and places them in a binder for their members. We are thankful to have an opportunity to help others in the wonderful field of beekeeping.
Long Lane Honey Bee Farms
Using SecondLife to test ideas
Improving conversions
A startup story
Building a huge audience on YouTube
Dream to Reality: How I Quit My Day Job
12 New Rules of Working

"For the August Challenge, I was trying to decide what was one thing I love to eat, but have never really made. A couple of things came to mind, but there was really no obvious choice. My favorite food that I can't seem to eat out, because of my food allergies, is Tamales! I love tamales, I can never get enough of them. Served with refried beans and Spanish rice, or topped with chili. In my pre-vegan days, I would serve them with scrambled eggs and salsa. There are so many possibilities. You can make them full fat or low fat, vegan or not, although I would challenge you to make them vegan as a great challenge! You can choose your own filling, though I have included some fillings to give you some ideas. Feel free to cut the Basic Tamale recipe in half since it does make a lot, but they freeze well, so if you make the full recipe, you can easily freeze them for tamales anytime. Don't be afraid by how many pages this is. It's long because there are filling options at the end.
I was able to find corn husks in the bulk spice section and the Hispanic aisle of my local chain grocery stores (Fry's and Safeway). Hopefully you will be able to find all the ingredients easily. Bob's Red Mill makes masa harina which I found in the health food section of my grocery store, but I know it is also available on the Hispanic aisle as well. "
Please visit people on the blog roll for their interpretations. Lots of inspiration and ideas out there.
Basic Tamale Recipe
by Chef Jason Wyrick of The Vegan Culinary Experience
Serves: 24 Time to Prepare: 1 hour
12 cups of masa harina flour
10 cups of water or veggie stock (see below for some tasty stock options,
this amount may also vary depending on the type of masa you use)
1 tbsp. of salt
3 cups of vegetable shortening (Option: 2 cups of oil or margarine
instead of the shortening)
24 dried corn husks
Water to soak the husks
Option: 1 tbsp. of baking powder
1. Warm the stock. Combine the masa harina flour with the salt (and optional baking powder.) Stir the vegetable shortening rapidly until it is creamy.
2. Pour the stock into the masa mix and stir until it is thoroughly combined. Beat the moist masa mix into the shortening until you have a paste that will spread with a knife without breaking apart. You should end up with a semi-thick paste. If you do not have this, you can add more stock in ¼ cup amounts to the mix until you have the right consistency.
3. To check the consistency, spread the masa on a corn husk and if it spreads easily while staying together, you have the right consistency.
Option: If you use oil instead of the shortening, add it to the dry masa and then add the stock to the masa.
4. Soak the corn husks for at least 2 minutes. (Some husks may still have the silks in them, make sure you remove them before using)
5. Spread masa paste over the top half of a corn husk (the top half is the wide half.) Spoon a line of your filling of choice in a line on one side of the masa paste. Roll the tamale from the filling side to the other side. You will end up with one half of the roll that has masa paste and one that does not. Fold the half that does not have the masa paste against the tamale, folding it in towards the flap of the roll.
6. Repeat this process with the rest of the ingredients.
7. Steam the tamales for 45 minutes. If you have a lot of tamales and a tall steamer, you can place the tamales vertically in the steamer.
Stock Options:
*Boil 2 dates and a pinch of salt with each cup of water for 10 minutes & then remove the dates.
*Simmer one dried ancho, chipotle, or other chile of your choice per 3 cups of water for 10 minutes and then remove the chile (use the rehydrated chile in your filling.)
Use veggie stock instead of water.
*Simmer 6 cloves of garlic per cup of water for 15 minutes, removing the garlic when you are finished.
*Simmer 1 tbsp. of peppercorns and 1 cinnamon stick per 2 cups of water for 10 minutes,straining the stock when you are done.
Whichever stock you use, allow it to cool down to a warm temperature before you use it or else the heat will cook the masa.
Low-fat Version:
Tamales obviously have quite a bit of fat in them, even with the large amount of carbohydrate heavy masa. You can cut the fat content down by about ¼ by adding in about half the amount of stock as removed fat. Thus, if you remove 1 cup of fat, add in ½ cup of stock. Play with this until you get the smooth paste consistency. Keep in mind that the fat binds the masa together, so you may find that your tamales fall apart more often without the traditional amount of fat.
For another low fat option:(from Dr. John McDougall)
Tamale Batter:
12 cups masa harina
2 tsp salt2 tsp pepper
2 tsp oregano
2 tsp baking powder
9 cups water, soymilk, vegetable broth or a combination of all three
4 tsp cider vinegar
24 dried corn husks
1. Stir together the masa harina, salt, pepper, oregano, and baking powder in a large bowl. In a small bowl, stir together the water (soymilk, vegetable broth) and the vinegar.
2. Make a well in the center of the dry mixture and pour the wet mixture into the dry. Stir togther using your hands or a wooden spoon (you can also use a stand mixture).
3. Open a corn husk and spread the batter over it. Spoon 1 to 2 tablespoons of the filling of your choice in the center of the corn husk. Wrap the batter around the filling, then wrap the husk around it. Tie or twist the ends of the husk closed.
4. Steam for 30 minutes. Serve immediately, plain, or with enchilada sauce spooned on top. (I did half the recipe and still came out with 24, but mine were a little on the small side)

Tamal wrappers:Presentation:
Fresh corn husks are used, chiefly, to wrap fresh corn tamales, which are an especial delicacy of the State of Michoacan, and are called uchepos. Read Diana Kennedy in her Art of Mexican Cooking to find out about them. In Mexico they are made from fresh field corn (dent, flint, or flour corns), and the kernels contain sufficient starch to hold together when they are steamed. Here, using our sweet corn, you need to toss in a bit of cornstarch to bind them together. The fresh corn masa is dropped into the husk in the curve at its base, and they are then basically rolled up, as they naturally rolled around the ear of corn. They are steamed just like dried corn masa tamales. I don't know that you absolutely couldn't put dried corn masa in a fresh husk and successfully steam a tamal, but typically you see fresh corn/fresh husk, dried corn/dried husk. Tamales are also wrapped in Swiss chard leaves, and the leaves of other edible plants. There is another tamal, the corunda, or ash tamal (the masa is made by boiling diluted wood ash with the corn instead of cal, or calcium hydroxide). They are pyramid shaped, with rounded sides, and they are wrapped in the fresh leaf of the corn plant[i].
Avocado leaves are hard to come by here - you can buy dried ones in the spice and herb section of a Mexican grocery, and use them with, say, black beans, for flavoring. But the big, fresh leaves required for tamal making are scarce - I have never found them here in the States.
Banana leaves are really easy to work with ... if you've got a good source for them. Some markets sell them in packages frozen. They must be 'blanched' by passing them over a flame (stove burner, electric or gas), and as you move the leaf back and forth, you will see it soften, and taken on a gloss. Place the leaf on a flat surface and, using a very sharp knife, cut the central stiff vein out of the leaf. Then cut it crosswise into 10" segments, and you are ready to roll.
Sharon Peters aka "theabroma"
Rolling tamales takes a little practice, but not much, so don’t worry if your first few don’t look good. Just keep rolling! If you want a totally enclosed tamale, you can leave enough room when you spread the masa for a fold on both sides of the husk instead of just one half. You can also take strips of corn husks and make a nice tie around the tamales to help keep them together. Note that if you use the baking powder, they will get slightly fluffy and will break apart easier. Finally, allow the tamales to rest for at least five minutes before unwrapping them. The steamed tamales will be delicate when they first come out of the steamer. Allowing them to rest tightens up the masa.
Time Management:
Tamales have a reputation for being time consuming, but once you get the masa paste, filling, and corn husks prepped, you can make them very quickly. To speed up the time, you can make the filling the day before. The masa paste and the soaked husks take a minimal amount of time to prep. Tamales can be frozen and kept for up to a year.
Complementary Food and Drinks:
Horchata, a sweetened rice milk and cinnamon drink, is a wonderful complement to most tamales.
Where to Shop:
All of the ingredients for the basic tamale can be purchased at any store that caters to Mexican cuisine and may even be available in your local market depending on where you live. When buying the masa, look for finely ground corn flour and only purchase as much as you think you will use within the week. Corn flour has a good amount of oil and that means it will go rancid if stored too long.
How It Works:
The stock is added to the masa instead of the other way around so that the masa does not clump. It is then beat into the shortening, which is used to bind the masa together and make it spreadable, for the same reason (yes, shortening can clump when added to dry or moist ingredients!) They are then steamed so that they stay moist and the masa can finish binding together.

I use the baking powder option as I prefer my tamales to be just slightly fluffy. When I make them, I generally prepare at least 3 fillings so that I can have a variety of tamales with very little extra work. These are best to make in a large batch and then frozen so that you have tamales ready for a long time to come!
Interesting Facts:
Tamales are a traditional celebration food, especially for Christmas. The more proper form of tamale is actually tamal, with tamales being the plural form.
Black Bean Chipotle Tamale Recipe
by Chef Jason Wyrick of The Vegan Culinary Experience
Serves: 24 Time to Prepare: 1 hour 15 minutes
1 batch of tamale dough (see Basic Tamale recipe)
16 oz. of black beans, rinsed
½ cup of shredded carrot
½ of a red onion, minced
4 cloves of garlic, minced
1 tsp. of chipotle powder
1 tbsp. of mild New Mexico chile powder
1 tsp. of whole cumin seeds
2 tsp. of whole coriander seeds
½ tsp. of salt
1 tsp. of olive oil
Option: 1 cup of soy chorizo
1. Shred the carrot. Mince the onion and garlic. Rinse the beans. Combine all of these together in a bowl.
2. In a small pan, toast the cumin seeds and coriander seeds on a medium heat in the 1 tsp. of oil until the coriander seeds start to pop or the cumin seeds turn a deep brown color, whichever comes first.
3. Mix the chipotle powder, New Mexico chile powder, cumin, coriander, and salt together. Toss this into the veggie mix.
4. Prepare the Basic Tamale dough according to the Basic Tamale recipe.
5. Prepare the Basic Tamale recipe adding about 1 tbsp. of filling per tamale.
Option: Mix the soy chorizo into the veggies after the spices have been added.
This would look nice atop a bed of Spanish rice garnished with black sesame seeds.
Time Management:
The bean mix can be made quickly, so concentrated on making that first and then make the tamale dough.
Complementary Food and Drinks:
Serve this with a side of grilled corn on the cob that has been tossed in a mild chile powder mix. The smokiness of the grilled corn will complement the chipotle flavor quite well.
Where to Shop:
All of these ingredients should be fairly easy to find.
How It Works:
The smoky richness of chipotle powder greatly enhances the depth of flavor that black beans have. The red onion and carrot give it a touch of sweetness. New Mexico chile powder is added so that the tamale can have more chile flavor without being overwhelmed by the heat of additional chipotle powder. The cumin and coriander seeds are toasted to darken their flavors, which helps them stand out amongst all of the other strong flavors in the recipe.
Chef’s Notes:
It’s hard to go wrong with black beans, onions, and chipotle powder, all which go together to make a great chili, which itself was the inspiration for this filling.
Interesting Facts:
The chipotle is a dried, smoked jalapeno and can be purchased whole or in powdered form. Black beans are very high in iron.

by Chef Jason Wyrick of The Vegan Culinary Experience
Serves: 24 Time to Prepare: 1 hour 10 minutes (add 45 minutes if you make your own seitan)
1 batch of tamale dough (see Basic Tamale recipe)
2 cups of seitan
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 dried ancho chiles, crushed
3-4 cups of water
4 bay leaves
1 tsp. of freshly ground black pepper
1 tsp. of cumin
1 tsp. of Mexican oregano
1 tbsp. of chile powder
¼ cup of raisins
2 tbsp. of pepitas
1. Shred the seitan in a food processor by pulsing it several times.
2. Mince the garlic and crush the dried ancho chiles.
3. Bring 3-4 cups of water to a simmer, add in the ancho chiles, the shredded seitan, and the bay leaves. Simmer this for ten minutes.
4. While it is simmering, prepare the tamale dough according to the Basic Tamale recipe.
5. Combine the black pepper, cumin, Mexican oregano, and chile powder together.
6. Drain the water from the simmering seitan and ancho peppers and toss these in the spice mix.
7. Mix in the garlic, raisins, and pepitas.
8. Follow the Basic Tamale recipe for preparation.
Option: If you want to take some extra time, you can use the water from simmering the seitan and ancho peppers as part of the stock for the tamale dough.
If you want to get extra fancy with this tamale, you can make a roasted yellow tomato sauce with cumin, salt, and lime juice. Place a small amount on the bottom of a rectangular plate and then place the finished tamale along the length of the plate. Finish by garnishing it with a wedge of lime and a stuffed green olive. Of course, you can always pile these on a platter and they will be gone soon enough without the fancy plating!
Time Management:
The longer this filling sits, the better it will get. Consider making the filling the night before you plan on using it.
Complementary Food and Drinks:
Serve this tamale with a side of smoked paprika rice and beer glazed onions with mashed black beans. The roasted yellow tomato sauce mentioned above would also go quite well with this one.
Where to Shop:
If I don’t feel like making my own seitan, I’ll usually purchase the White Wave brand from Wild Oats or Whole Foods. The anchos can be purchased at most stores that have a heavy Mexican food section, gourmet markets, and spice stores. If you can’t find them, you can substitute any large dried pepper of your choice. The Mexican oregano can be purchased at the same locations. If you can’t find it, you can substitute a like amount of fresh thyme leaves. Pepitas are green pumpkin seeds and can be found in bulk at most stores that have bulk bins, such as Sprouts.
How It Works:
Simmering the seitan with the bay leaves and crushed anchos infuses it with those great flavors while rehydrating the ancho peppers at the same time. The anchos are crushed before they simmer because they become too hard to chop once they are rehydrated. The pepitas (green pumpkin seeds) are there for texture and bit of soft flavor while the raisins balance the heat of the chiles.
Chef’s Notes:
This most closely resembles a traditional tamale filling, using shredded seitan instead of pork and adding in the traditional peppers. The raisins were inspired by my mom, who used to make tamales with her aunts. One of those aunts would add raisins into the masa and I thought that would work very well in the filling, which it did!
Interesting Facts:
Seitan was created in the 7th century B.C.E. by Buddhist monks in China. Ancho is the Spanish word for “wide.”

by Chef Jason Wyrick of The Vegan Culinary Experience
Serves: 24 Time to Prepare: 1 hour (add 30 minutes if you roast your own chiles)
½ batch of tamale dough (see Basic Tamale recipe)*
½ cup of sugar
12 ears of corn
2 cups of roasted chiles in strips (fresh roasted Hatch chiles work
*Substitute 5 cups of soy creamer for 5 cups of the liquid in the Basic Tamale recipe
1. Remove the corn from the cob (or you can use frozen corn kernals if you need to). Grind the corn in a food processor until it is coarse.
2. Prepare the tamale dough according to the Basic Tamale recipe, substituting 5 cups of soy creamer for 5 cups of water.
3. Combine the tamale dough with the ground corn and cut the chiles into strips.
4. Prepare the tamales using the Basic Tamale recipe and adding in 1-3 strips of roasted green peppers for the filling. Unlike the Basic Tamale recipe, however, the spread should be 1/3” to ½” high.
Option: Roast the corn before removing the kernels from the cob.
This looks nice on a plate with a few dots of sweet agave nectar and sprinkles of toasted pepitas.
Time Management:
If you roast your own peppers (I highly suggest this,) get them on the grill and then work on the dough while they are roasting.
Complementary Food and Drinks:
These go well with a crisp beer and a bowl of tortilla soup featuring poblano peppers and zucchini. Those flavors seem to combine quite well with the sweet masa and the roasted green chiles.
Where to Shop:
Soy creamer (Silk is the most popular brand) can be purchased at Sprouts, Whole Foods, Central Market, and other stores of that ilk. It can even be found at some of the newer stores of more common chains like Fry’s. For the peppers, I usually head to my local market and see which green ones look the best.
How It Works:
The soy creamer, sugar, and ground corn combine to make the masa quite sweet, which balances the spicy roasted pepper. Because this masa has a lot more flavor than a regular masa, more of it is used so that it becomes a featured ingredient. The corn is ground so that its fresh sweetness and crispness is evenly distributed throughout the tamales.
Chef’s Notes:
I enjoyed the simplicity of this recipe, which yields incredible results without having to do a lot of fancy work. Sometimes the most elegant recipes are the best ones.
Interesting Facts:
Zacahuil is another name for tamale in southern Mexico. Teosinte is thought to be the genetic parent of maize (corn.)
Quotes From the Forum:
its REAL easy. I cant believe I have put off making them out of fear for 12 years. Ah yeah, thats what I said, twelve years.
Lori of Lip Smacking Goodness
Oh my good golly miss molly these were fabulous!
Every time Hub ate one of these (even days after) he would say "wow".
Jen of Delightful Delicacies
how could you not love anything wrapped in masa? the hardest part for me is waiting for them to cook thoroughly!
Lauren of I'll Eat You
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Your (You're) It

I run pretty hard during the week--up early and out fast--so that when a scheduled rest day rolls around, I do what I can to protect it. However, there are three exceptions, three occasions when rest is overruled.
Those three exceptions?
1. A new pair of sneakers
2. A inspirational running story
3. Watching someone else run
Even if running isn't your outlet of choice, I'm sure you can relate. Everyone has that one thing that belongs to them, that one thing that feels as familiar to them as their own two hands. Maybe it's cooking, maybe it's golf, maybe it's fencing. The great thing is, you don't have to be the best at it, heck, you don't even have to be good at it. But it should be three things:
- Enjoyable: you look forward to it or you miss it when you don't do it for a while
- Stress-relieving: it should settle you down, maybe relax you, breathing comes easily and naturally (well, maybe not easily, if it's athletically-induced, but you definitely be breathing)
- Limit-testing: you might start out casually, running a half-mile or baking homemade brownies, but with small successes comes confidence, and with confidence comes risk-taking. Your thing pushes you to expand and to grow within it. Maybe a half-mile turns into a 5K, maybe a homemade brownie turns into a canned peaches or a contest entry at next year's bake off.
So, you're it. What's your thing?
Smores Splurge
With the left-over marshmallows from the rice krispie event (am I spelling that right?) and the found-chocolate in the cupboard (how does chocolate exist in my house without me knowing it) and the stale graham crackers in the pantry, we made smores yesterday at lunchtime. We even ate them before lunch. We're living on the wild side in this household. My excuse (and I've been using it a lot lately) is that, "It's summer. What the heck."
And with the 55 degree night we had and the low-humidity, low-80 degree days we're having, you bet it is.
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