In Pakistan these days and a public talk in Lahore

Postings on the blog will probably be slow until July 30th. I'm visiting family in Pakistan these days and then I will be at Science & Religion conference at Lancaster University (Jul 22-26). I will see if I can send updates from the conference - there are some excellent speakers scheduled to speak there.

I just got to Islamabad yesterday, and I'm glad the whole saga of Red Mosque is pretty much over now. I hope there is not too much excitement on that front soon.

And here is a lecture announcement. I will be giving a talk in Lahore on Saturday, July 14th, at 6p.m. at Aiwan-e-Iqbal. It is organized by Khwarzimic Science Society. The title of the lecture is From Galileo to Darwin: The Story of Science-Religion Interactions and you can find more information here. This is the first time I am explicitly dealing with the topic of science & religion in a popular setting in Pakistan. So it will be interesting to see audience composition (religious conservatives or more secular) and their reactions.


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