Old-Turned-New Haunts

The arrival of Christmas catalogs is typically my get-ready-for-Halloween trigger. Check out this really cool idea from www.curbly.com--a do it yourself home project website.
Ghost Toast:
1. Spread soft butter or margarine on a large slice of white bread.
2. Carefully cut or tear a ghostlike shape out of aluminum foil.
3. Press the foil shape on top of the buttered bread. Sprinkle the bread generously with a mixture of cinnamon and sugar.
4. Place the slices on a baking sheet and slip under a preheated broiler for about two or three minutes or until the butter is hot and bubbly.
5. Remove the foil template to unveil spooky toast.
Today's Splurge:Aside from encouraging you (okay, urging you) to have toast as soon as you finish this post regardless of what time it is, I'm going to report on two things that are of splurge-worthy mention today (afterall, it's splashes and splurgES, not splashes and splurge):
1. This sweet postcard that I'll save for a special occasion or maybe frame and put somewhere fun in the house. ($5.50). I've always had a soft spot for birds and when Ava came along, the soft spot grew into a soft soul--and now I can't resist them!

2. And this less affordable 1940's telephone. Any ideas on what $325.00 would have bought in 1940? I won't splurge on this--but it's inspired me to haunt an old attic.
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