still leaping

Tonight I sent a sketch for a new journal product (I know, as if there aren't enough journals in the world) to this incredible designer.

This was a huge leap for me--so huge that it would've been way more comfortable to just stand still. But I know that if I did stand still, I would regret it.

Stay tuned.


Almost Splurge

I always make dinner during the week. Saturday night is our eat-someone-else's-food-in night. But tonight, Tuesday, I did not feel like cooking. I just could not muster up the creativity or energy required.

So Pete suggested take-out and I approved.

Except then I got this little voice in my head that says, "If you start eating out on Tuesday nights you might start eating out every night."

So, I rescinded approval and we ate soup.

The next leap will be that little voice, overboard.


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