A little BEHIND

{I swear that I did not realize the appropriateness of this picture (to the title and the post) until AFTER I posted.}

Here are a few to do's that keep losing out to to must's (groceries, wash clothes, work, breathe):
  1. Download pictures from little one's birthday party
  2. Finish making the CDs for this little project I dreamed up in celebration of little one turning two (way more on this, I promise)
  3. Fold and put away laundry
  4. Clean out closet and rid it of all things wool and winter!
  5. File

Friends of ours have 7 to 10 day to "getaway"...but they still haven't decided WHERE. They asked ME to ask YOU for suggestions...

So, if you could go anywhere in the WORLD for 7-10 days, where would you go?

leave a comment or email me at splashesandsplurges dot com


Send Me Your Splurges!

I'm still not spending money (at least not on anything with "ooh and aah" quality). So I really need you to send along what you've been indulging in lately--with time, money, or energy. PLEASE.


welcome to my blog. please write some comment about this article ^_^