Happy blogiversary (my present: a brand new URL)

It's official: Startup Lessons Learned has passed the one-year mark. 130 posts (and dozens more that mercifully never saw the light of day), tons of comments, and, of course - you, the awesomest subscribers on the internet. Thank you.

When I first started writing this blog, I made a promise to myself that I would spend more time on the content of the essays than on layout and fancy widgets. I've managed to go a whole year in keeping that promise, even though I get the the occasional teasing about my lame default Blogger theme. Still, it's probably time to start growing up. Today I'm taking the first step, and finally setting the blog up on its own real domain: StartupLessonsLearned.com. I know, it's not a new layout full of Web 2.0 goodness, but it's a start, right?

Back to the content, passing an anniversary is a great time to look back. Luckily, blogs come with an archive, which means you can take your own trip down memory lane. Want to see my very first post? It's a pretty weak homage to Paul Graham. Or how about the first of about a zillion times I used the term lean startup? Read the very first comment (thanks tfitz!) or relive my very first subscriber survey - when there were a grand total of five. Or, for something more substantive, how about the top five-most-read posts:
  1. Why PHP won
  2. Don't launch
  3. Five Whys
  4. Work in small batches
  5. The engineering manager's lament
But wait, there's more! First OODA reference: Ideas. Code. Data. Implement. Measure. Learn. You can also witness the start of my speaking marathon in Built to learn, or leave a comment on my (still-draft) A new version of the Joel Test (draft).

If all that archive-browsing leaves you hungry for more, you will soon be able to get Startup Lessons Learned in book form. I've been experimenting with a simple compilation format. I've given copies to attendees at some recent workshops. The response has been positive, and I'm getting ready for a more general release. If you'd like more info, or want to order one of the beta-test copies, I'd love your feedback. Feel free to drop me a line or leave a comment.

Most of all, thank you so much for your continuing support. It's been a real blast getting to know so many of you - in person, comments, and at events. Please keep the feedback coming. And, if you're feeling really generous, tell a friend to subscribe. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Oh, and one last thought. It's true, not every comment has been so supportive or constructive. That's the internet for you. So, for the trolls: I've heard you loud and clear. Let me summarize. Actually, I'll let MC Frontalot take it...

Thanks for stopping by!


welcome to my blog. please write some comment about this article ^_^