Review: Missionary Songs
Use this activity to review one or more missionary songs. Some suggestions are: "I Hope They Call Me on a Mission," "The Things I Do," "I Want to Be a Missionary Now," "Holding Hands Around the World," and "We'll Bring the World His Truth." These would work great for the October 2013 theme of missionary work.
1. Print several copies of the letter below. Make changes to the document as necessary. (Commenters have pointed out that the use of the title "Elder" may be inappropriate. You may want to change the wording to "member missionary")
2. Fill in the blank where the mission call is listed with places such as:
- at school
- at the park
- at sports practice
- at the store
- at home
- at a family reunion
- at a friend's house
- in primary
- at a restaurant
- etc.
3. Place the letters in a large envelope.
4. As you sing the song you wish to review, have the children pass the envelope around the room.
5. When the song is finished, have the child holding the envelope stand up and pull out one of the letters. Have him or her read the area to which he has been "called." Ask him to tell the primary how he can be a missionary in his area.
6. Continue until all the letters have been chosen. Help the children to understand that everything they do is a representation of the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You may choose to print a letter for each child in your primary and have him or her fill in a place where he can be a missionary today.
The Word document is linked below. The fonts and formatting may not appear until you actually download the document. Don't forget to make changes as necessary (to the address, signature, etc.).
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