Run, run, as fast as you can...
I told her we didn't have
After we cut them and made sure they had all their hands and feet, we put them in the oven where Ava gave them some words of encouragement. I can't remember exactly what she said, but it was something along the lines of (and in a really high pitched voice), "Hi gingerbread men, I'll see you in just a minute. Would you like a book? Yes? Okay. Here you go."
Hence, the books. I guess she figures they'd like to pass the time in the oven the way she likes to on the potty, reading.
A lot of times we'll be playing or reading and she'll say, "Just a minute. Ava will be right back. I have to do something."
So, she'll head into another room, careful to notice if she's being followed, which she isn't. I'm not sure what she does (one of these days I will follow) but she comes back less than a minute later, ready to settle right back into what she was doing before "something" called. It's very funny.
Spent Tuesday in NYC at the National Stationary Show, in support of LobotoME and Bird Dog Press. Can you imagine it, being surrounded by paper, paper, paper? All kinds of beautiful paper in all kinds of textures and incredible designs? Sigh.
A Small Step
Today I am going to drink a lot of water.
Shoe Splurge
I bought a pair of shoes on Friday night's girls night out, but I think I'm going to return them.
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