Nuclear Arms reduction: is this a Twilight Zone episode?

In a ceremony filled with flourish and the echoes of history, President Obama and President Dmitri A. Medvedev put aside the tensions of recent years to seal the New Start pact paring back their nuclear arsenals.
For a broader context, including that of Iran, check out this very sensible interview with Obama. Unlike Bush, it is refreshing to see Obama taking local political realities of Iran into account, especially when dealing with rhetoric (rather than calling them evil!). Also, he is right in saying that Iranian government is not crazy and, in fact, it will react in a pragmatic way. Lets see what happens at the nuclear summit in US this week. Here is the Obama interview:
Two quick things: Obama's response to Palin bait was perfect. Ignore her. Second, it was amusing to see Obama at one point ask George Stephanopoulos to formulate his question properly.
Next on the Twilight Zone: India and Pakistan sign a peace treaty, open their borders for free trade, and send all of their nuclear weapons into the Sun on a rocket jointly built by their respective national space agencies. Unfortunately, this ends up creating a radiation-charged Nuclear Man from the Sun...oh wait. This is from the awful Superman IV. What, you say? Was there a Superman IV? Unfortunately yes, and I even accidentally watched it once on TV. So much for the world peace.
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