Nutella and Banana Panini

I just found a great new use for my George Forman grill and my new favorite dessert!! Nutella and Banana panini's. Three ingredients, no butter and less than 5 minutes to make. You can use a frying pan too if you don't have a GF grill or panini maker. There is nothing better than chocolate hazelnut spread and bananas together. If you don't have Nutella on hand, you can always use whatever chocolate you have in your cabinet. Just melt it in the microwave and spread it on the bread. YUM!!
white bread
banana sliced
Spread Nutella on both sides of bread. Place single layer of banana slices on one side. Put the two pieces of bread together and place in a panini maker, George Forman grill or on a non stick frying pan (if using a frying pan, place another pan on top of the sandwich to press it down and flip half way through cooking) When bread is golden brown and's done
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