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لأول مرة : المكتبة الرمضانية ( أكثر من 74 كتاب و كُتيب بملف واحد ) PDF
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
رمضان مبارك على الجميع و تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الأعمال
و بعد
فيسرنا ان نضع بين أيديكم الأصدار الأول من المكتبة الرمضانية
و لأول مرة : أكثر من 74 كتاب و كُتيب برابط واحد

صيغة الملف : pdf
حجم الملف : 42 MB
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رمضان مبارك على الجميع و تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الأعمال
و بعد
فيسرنا ان نضع بين أيديكم الأصدار الأول من المكتبة الرمضانية
و لأول مرة : أكثر من 74 كتاب و كُتيب برابط واحد
صيغة الملف : pdf
حجم الملف : 42 MB
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PTC-Klik Aja Deh, Bukan Scam
Klik Aja Deh BUKAN situs Autosurf, Multi-Level Marketing, Pyramid, Ponzi, Matrix atau bersistem "Get Rich Quick" .Klik Aja Deh adalah sebuah inovasi bisnis saling menguntungkan, GRATIS bagi member untuk bergabung, dan menjembatani antara pemakai internet dan pemilik usaha (advertiser) untuk mempromosikan produknya pada halaman "Lihat Iklan".
I Can!
As I was preparing for a Number Corner training in my district, I was thinking about my own calendar time in my own class. I was trying to come up with a way to eliminate the time spent with children raising their hands to respond to calendar questions. I remembered buying these sticks in the spring. As I was looking around the house trying to find something to store them in, I noticed a veggie can. I thought it would be perfect to store them in. I painted mine and glued two magnets on the back and tied a ribbon and that was it. Now all I have to do is make dinner tomorrow, serve the same veggies and repeat the above steps. Once I do that, I will have the I Can system. These will be stored in my whiteboard by my calendar wall and when I have a question, I will pick a star stick, read the name and then put it in the next can. WHEW! No more hands in the air, no more trying to pick a child on the fly and making it fair. I just recently saw similar sticks at Dollar Tree! So that is a math tip in a snap, so how bout that?
Everyday Sisters Sharing Sundays #6
This week theme for Sharing Sundays is CITRUS! I have a slight obsession with anything Lemon lately and the summer time is the perfect time for recipes featuring any kind of citrus fruit.....lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit etc. Also again I love how you can use citrus in both sweet and savory recipes. So let's see your best recipes featuring CITRUS!!
Our Rules:
1. Please become a follower of our blog.
2. Please share a link back to your actual recipe post, not to your main blog page.
3. Please link back to our blog so others can join in the fun.
4. Leave us a comment about what recipe you are linking up.
5. Have fun!
Now first let's see the featured pasta recipes from last week.
Shrimp Scampi with Angel Hair Pasta by Comfy Cuisine

Garlic Chicken with Orzo Pasta by Crumbs and Chaos

Zucchini Spinach Lasagna by Cook Lisa Cook
Baked Spaghetti and Meatballs by Cooking with K
Creamy Noodles by The Kitchen Cookie

Shrimp Scampi over Spaghetti Aglio e Olio by
Wendy the Weekend Gourmet on to all the delicious CITRUS recipes!
Our Rules:
1. Please become a follower of our blog.
2. Please share a link back to your actual recipe post, not to your main blog page.
3. Please link back to our blog so others can join in the fun.
4. Leave us a comment about what recipe you are linking up.
5. Have fun!
Now first let's see the featured pasta recipes from last week.
Shrimp Scampi with Angel Hair Pasta by Comfy Cuisine

Garlic Chicken with Orzo Pasta by Crumbs and Chaos
Zucchini Spinach Lasagna by Cook Lisa Cook
Baked Spaghetti and Meatballs by Cooking with K
Creamy Noodles by The Kitchen Cookie
Shrimp Scampi over Spaghetti Aglio e Olio by
Wendy the Weekend Gourmet on to all the delicious CITRUS recipes!
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Last Days For A Giveaway!
I am so super excited to share this with you! I have teamed up with Artskills to offer a fantastic giveaway! We are going to get you geared up for the coming school year with The Creative Teacher Giveaway! If you are the BIG winner of the giveaway, you will get $50 of free Creative Teacher Bulletin Board Products from my favorite line... ARTSKILLS! The best part is this... Once you get your Creative Teacher Bulletin Board products you can instantly get started planning your fabulous bulletin boards and enter the upcoming Bulletin Board contest that ARTSKILLS will launch this fall. And wouldn't it be fun to have your bulletin board featured and grab the prize winning button for your blog? There will also be other fun buttons to grab. If you do not have a blog you can still enter and participate and WIN too! So this invitation goes out to everyone and I mean everyone! Come on friends, show your Creative Teacher Spirit and let's get down to a little crafty fun.
Here are the rules!
1. "Like" Artskills on their Facebook page AND Follow the Little Miss Kindergarten Blog! But you have to do both AND leave your comment here on my blog.
2. Blog about this giveaway and comment here on my blog!
3. BONUS leave a comment on your favorite Artskills product and how you plan to use it! You can do that on the Artskills Facebook page while you are there!
I want you to know everybody is welcome to join in and participate! I really can't wait to hear your ideas and meet new friends!
And if you find the Amazing Artist Interactive Bulletin Board set you better send me a line!
Pretzel Chicken
I'm always trying to find new ways to use chicken cutlets and also make it interesting for my kids. My oldest daughter LOVES this version of breaded chicken cutlets using crush pretzels.
6 chicken cutlets
3 cups of crushed pretzel pieces
2 eggs, beaten
salt and pepper to taste
2 tabelspoons vegetable oil
Beat eggs in a shallow bowl and set aside. Crush preztels in a large ziploc bag using a rolling pin or some other heavy kitchen object (be creative), Dredge chicken cutlets in beaten egg and then coat in crushed pretzel pieces until cutlet is covered with preztels on both sides. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a large skillet, when hot add the preztel coated cutlets and cook on med/hi heat until brown on both sides. Transfer cutlets to a greased baking pan and finish cooking in the oven for an additional 7-10 minutes.
Linked to Melt in your Mouth Monday
Saturday Video: A glimpse of Yemen
It is getting harder and harder to track all the developments in the Middle East. While there is a lot of coverage of life in Egypt and Tunisia, we don't hear much about Yemen (though you can find some excellent posts on Yemen at Tabsir). Here is a TED conversation with Nadia Al-Sakkaf: See Yemen Through my Eyes.
Advantages of being an academic
I'm at Abu Dhabi airport on my way back from Pakistan (yes, yes, I still have to post about Pakistan Natural History Museum). At the Islamabad airport, as expected there are numerous places where they check passports, and luggage is often checked quite thoroughly. The first guy inside the terminal asked my profession, and I told him that I'm a professor and I teach at a college in the US. He said several positive words about astronomy and other things and asked us to go straight through. Then, the drugs control called, and when I told him that I was a professor, he went on and on about his gratitude to his own teachers. In fact, he said that he wouldn't be at his job, and the person that he is, without the teachers he's had over the course of his life. It was really great to hear that and loved his positive approach. We often hear negative things about Pakistan, but the place and the people are of course much more complex. I just wanted to post a few words about this wonderful experience at the Islamabad airport.
Number Corner!
I am putting on the final touches for a Number Corner training in my district for Kindergarten. I had a thought... Is there anybody out there that has pictures or thoughts on Number Corner that they would like to share? I would give you and your blog full credit if you submit anything at all. If you are interested in talking Number Corner please go to my contact page and email me! I would love to connect with other teachers!
موسوعة القضايا الفقهية المعاصرة PDF
المرأة بين تكريم الاسلام و إهانة الجاهلية PDF

Organization Oh My!
As I was packing things up and putting things away I realized that my two month long teacher craft days are coming to an end... I kept looking at these Target number stamps that I love so much and I just kept thinking that I had to find a way to properly store these and get them ready to go in my BUILD boxes. I was at Wal Mart and found this craft organizer. I like it because it stores everything a child could need to complete tons of Investigations, the stamp and ink are together and a little more room for some penny stamps for a little variation.
PS If you have not entered the giveaway below I hope you do! You might be the lucky winner!
On Spirits and Souls...
This is from Calamities of Nature and takes a clever dig at the concept of spirits and souls. Enjoy!
An Evening
On an evening, after a very long day, a friend asked me:
"What are you gonna do after completing this program?"
Me : "I don't know yet ... I'm still struggling with these assignments. I'll move on as soon as I can ..."
Another friend said: "Winnie is a dreamer, she'll always reach her goals!"
A dreamer? I always believe that everyone is a dreamer. It's just a matter of whether one
Malu dibilang "BLOG KURA-KURA"
Suatu hari saya kedatangan seorang teman dirumah. Walaupun sebenarnya saya sering didatangi teman-teman (termasuk dept. collector) dirumah, namun ada yang berbeda pada kunjungan kali ini. Dia adalah seorang programmer pada salah satu perusahaan yang sedang berkembang alias baru mau maju. Setelah menghabiskan ½ cangkir kopi dan se-toples kue yang disediakan oleh "si guwek" (istri), tiba² saja ada
Download DFX Audio Enhancer Plus 9.304 (Full Version)
Advanced DSP Sound Effects
The easiest way to use DFX is to simply turn it on with its standard settings. You will immediately be amazed at the added clarity and punch that your audio player now provides. However, users can also make fine adjustments to any of the following effects:
Harmonic Fidelity RestorationAdding Fidelity to your audio eliminates the "muffled" sound that is an
The easiest way to use DFX is to simply turn it on with its standard settings. You will immediately be amazed at the added clarity and punch that your audio player now provides. However, users can also make fine adjustments to any of the following effects:
Harmonic Fidelity RestorationAdding Fidelity to your audio eliminates the "muffled" sound that is an
New Friends at!
I was contacted today by some new friends at! I was asked to take a look around. And I just wanted to share with you this activity I saw on the site. Since most teachers I know have raided the Dollar Spot for Dr. Seuss stuff and we are now READY to celebrate the works of Dr. Seuss, I thought this was the perfect activity to link up and show you. Let me know what you think of the site and what fun stuff you have found!
And don't forget to enter the GiVeAwAy below because this is just getting started!
Doesn't Little Cat A just make you want to go to school?
قيام الليل ( وظائفه و آدابه ) PDF
حجم الملف :300 KB
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Lemon Ice Box Pie
I found this recipe while browsing around some of my favorite food blogs. This was posted on Brenda's Canadian Kitchen and it looked so good and sounded so simple that I just had to try it. I absolutely love any kind of lemon dessert but this now may be one of my new favorites. It's light and lemony and has just enough tartness to cut the sweetness. It's the perfect summer dessert. I used fat free cream cheese instead of regular and you could not tell at all. I also left out the vanilla because I had just run out but I didn't miss it at all either.
1 -8 oz fat free cream cheese at room temperature
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
1/2 cup of fresh lemon juice
1 tablespoon of lemon zest
1 graham cracker crust
Using a hand mixer beat together the softened cream cheese, sweetened condensed milk, lemon juice and lemon zest until smooth and creamy. Pour mixture into a prepared graham cracker crust and refrigerate overnight. Serve with whipped cream.
Linked to This Chick Cooks
Linked to Sweet Treats Thursday
Linked to This Chick Cooks
Linked to Sweet Treats Thursday
The One Penny Stamp!
Yep, there is still a little thing called a FANTASTIC GiVeAwAy going on below but I could not resist a post! When a teacher friend of mine and I were using these stickers for another project this summer, I kept thinking about the numerous posts about crafty made stamps. I wanted to try this for myself and peeled the back of a sticker and plopped it right on a top I was about to throw away and guess what? This darn stamp is as good as some stamps as I have purchased. So now I LOVE DIY stamps! What about you?
Venture Deals
I was very pleased to receive an advance copy of Venture Deals: Be Smarter Than Your Lawyer and Venture Capitalist the other day. After reading it, I've concluded that it's like having a super-mentor on your shelf.
I have been extraordinarily fortunate throughout my career to have been blessed with amazing mentors. Men like Will Harvey and Steve Blank have been there to help me, encourage me, and push me to do better. For any entrepreneur, these super-mentors are one of the secret weapons that can make a difference: answering difficult questions, making key introductions, or offering sage advice.
However, there is one thing that the best mentors do which is most important: they can help you figure out what the $@%@$ is going on. When things get really tricky, often we find ourselves asking the wrong questions, or not even knowing enough to ask.
When raising money, for example, you might think that most negotiations happen in a rational way, over just a few deal points that have a clear meaning. You might think that "company valuation" refers, naturally, to how much your company is - you know - valued. But this kind of thinking will get you in trouble fast. Because in reality, these negotiations hinge on hundreds of hidden factors, incentives, and sources of agency bias. Nothing is straightforward, especially if you haven't done it before. These are the moments when the truly great mentors stand out in their ability to cut through the BS and help you understand the motivations and systems that are driving seemingly incomprehensible behavior.
All of this is by way of saying that if you already have a mentor of the caliber of a Steve Blank or Brad Feld on speed-dial, you probably don't need to read Brad's new book Venture Deals.
What's that you say? You don't - or you're not sure? Well then, you absolutely, positively, without-any-doubt have to read Brad's new book Venture Deals. Here's why.
Book endorsements are a funny thing. I get asked all the time to endorse books, in the hopes that you all will buy them and read them. And I often want to help other authors, because I know just how hard it is to get people to give a new book a chance (you may have noticed that I've been pushing a certain book pretty hard lately).
But if you look at my past book reviews and the "recommended reading" widget in the sidebar on the right, you'll notice that I recommend very few books. That's because I have an iron-clad rule: I will not use this space to recommend any book that I do not personally believe will directly impact entrepreneurs in a positive way. This creates a lot of awkwardness, because so many people have sent me books that I genuinely like, but which I don't feel are appropriate to endorse.
I say all this because I want you to understand why I am writing this post. Brad Feld and I have a bit of a mutual admiration society going. He and I have worked together on the Startup Visa initiative. He's said nice things about me and my book. I think he's a great guy. I even contributed a chapter to his previous book, Do More Faster
But none of that is enough to get me to recommend this new book
, co-authored with Jason Mendelson.
In fact, when I received my advance copy, I was a little worried. I generally try and stay away from topics like "how to raise VC" or "how to sell your company" because the startup landscape is already saturated with tips and tricks. And reading a term sheet has all the entertainment value of watching dried paint get even drier.
But Venture Deals
is quite a surprise: it's readable, engaging, and addresses issues way below the surface.
It is not a how-to manual or a collection of tips. It's an in-depth explanation of what the @$%$ is going on when an entrepreneur considers raising money or doing an M&A transaction. And even if you don't think you're going to do that for your startup, this is very valuable information to have - because you never know who might approach you in the future. This is a book you'll want to have handy, just in case.
I've dealt with a bunch of different kinds of investors over the years, from so-called "dumb money" all the way up. The hardest thing to understand when working with them is that they are subject to forces and incentives that are rarely disclosed openly. When I came to Silicon Valley, I was inducted into a body of accumulated wisdom about how to handle them. This is the same advice I hand down again to entrepreneurs who are seeking my counsel. That advice is completely consistent with what's contained in Venture Deals
For example, the right way to think about a term sheet is as a negotiation over just two things: economics and control. Everything in a term sheet is negotiable - if and only if you already have sufficient leverage. (Do you know the sources of leverage in a VC deal? Wouldn't you like to?) There are many founder-friendly terms you can push for, from automatic acceleration to reduced vesting - but each risks reducing the alignment of interests between founders and investors. And even if you're an old pro at raising money, you're likely to find a few surprises in here. Are you sure you know the formula for how your VC reserves capital for your future rounds (I didn't)?
And even the most battle-tested entrepreneur would be forgiven if they were a little confused by the following bit of poetry in a term sheet:
Which brings me back to my claim at the top about having a super-mentor in book form. Venture Deals
explains not just what to do but why it works that way. Every VC term sheet I've ever seen has come with a claim that its terms are all "entirely standard" and "as simple as possible" - whether it was one page or a dozen pages long. That can be frustrating, but what do you do about it? Which terms really are standard for good reasons, which are standard for bad reasons, and which are just gotchas designed to skew the negotiation?
Venture Deals
has negotiating tips, same as other books, but - much, much more importantly - its negotiating section is called What Really Matters? When you're in the thick of it, only a truly great mentor can tell you which provisions are negotiable, which are negotiable-but, and which are really non-negotiable. ("negotiable-but" means you can possibly win that fight, but it will damage your reputation in the process.)
Now, it's important to keep in mind that Brad and Jason are themselves VC's, albeit ones with an entrepreneur-friendly reputation. So you always have to take their advice - like anyone's - with a grain of salt. But they've thought of that, too. Throughout the book, they've given space for brief commentaries by an experienced entrepreneur, Matt Blumberg, CEO of Return Path. In several places he gives an important counterpoint to Brad and Jason's perspective. It's a combination that is unique to this book.
I hope all of you who are reading this - no matter where you live, no matter what kind of company you have - will one day get to make the pilgrimage to Sand Hill Road in Silicon Valley, or another famous startup hub. It's an exhilarating experience. But it's not without its risks. As the old saying goes, "watch your wallet." And bring your copy of Venture Deals
I have been extraordinarily fortunate throughout my career to have been blessed with amazing mentors. Men like Will Harvey and Steve Blank have been there to help me, encourage me, and push me to do better. For any entrepreneur, these super-mentors are one of the secret weapons that can make a difference: answering difficult questions, making key introductions, or offering sage advice.
However, there is one thing that the best mentors do which is most important: they can help you figure out what the $@%@$ is going on. When things get really tricky, often we find ourselves asking the wrong questions, or not even knowing enough to ask.
When raising money, for example, you might think that most negotiations happen in a rational way, over just a few deal points that have a clear meaning. You might think that "company valuation" refers, naturally, to how much your company is - you know - valued. But this kind of thinking will get you in trouble fast. Because in reality, these negotiations hinge on hundreds of hidden factors, incentives, and sources of agency bias. Nothing is straightforward, especially if you haven't done it before. These are the moments when the truly great mentors stand out in their ability to cut through the BS and help you understand the motivations and systems that are driving seemingly incomprehensible behavior.
All of this is by way of saying that if you already have a mentor of the caliber of a Steve Blank or Brad Feld on speed-dial, you probably don't need to read Brad's new book Venture Deals.
What's that you say? You don't - or you're not sure? Well then, you absolutely, positively, without-any-doubt have to read Brad's new book Venture Deals. Here's why.
Book endorsements are a funny thing. I get asked all the time to endorse books, in the hopes that you all will buy them and read them. And I often want to help other authors, because I know just how hard it is to get people to give a new book a chance (you may have noticed that I've been pushing a certain book pretty hard lately).
But if you look at my past book reviews and the "recommended reading" widget in the sidebar on the right, you'll notice that I recommend very few books. That's because I have an iron-clad rule: I will not use this space to recommend any book that I do not personally believe will directly impact entrepreneurs in a positive way. This creates a lot of awkwardness, because so many people have sent me books that I genuinely like, but which I don't feel are appropriate to endorse.
I say all this because I want you to understand why I am writing this post. Brad Feld and I have a bit of a mutual admiration society going. He and I have worked together on the Startup Visa initiative. He's said nice things about me and my book. I think he's a great guy. I even contributed a chapter to his previous book, Do More Faster
But none of that is enough to get me to recommend this new book
In fact, when I received my advance copy, I was a little worried. I generally try and stay away from topics like "how to raise VC" or "how to sell your company" because the startup landscape is already saturated with tips and tricks. And reading a term sheet has all the entertainment value of watching dried paint get even drier.
But Venture Deals
It is not a how-to manual or a collection of tips. It's an in-depth explanation of what the @$%$ is going on when an entrepreneur considers raising money or doing an M&A transaction. And even if you don't think you're going to do that for your startup, this is very valuable information to have - because you never know who might approach you in the future. This is a book you'll want to have handy, just in case.
I've dealt with a bunch of different kinds of investors over the years, from so-called "dumb money" all the way up. The hardest thing to understand when working with them is that they are subject to forces and incentives that are rarely disclosed openly. When I came to Silicon Valley, I was inducted into a body of accumulated wisdom about how to handle them. This is the same advice I hand down again to entrepreneurs who are seeking my counsel. That advice is completely consistent with what's contained in Venture Deals
For example, the right way to think about a term sheet is as a negotiation over just two things: economics and control. Everything in a term sheet is negotiable - if and only if you already have sufficient leverage. (Do you know the sources of leverage in a VC deal? Wouldn't you like to?) There are many founder-friendly terms you can push for, from automatic acceleration to reduced vesting - but each risks reducing the alignment of interests between founders and investors. And even if you're an old pro at raising money, you're likely to find a few surprises in here. Are you sure you know the formula for how your VC reserves capital for your future rounds (I didn't)?
And even the most battle-tested entrepreneur would be forgiven if they were a little confused by the following bit of poetry in a term sheet:
Antidilution Provisions: The conversion price of the Series A Preferred will be subject to a narrow-based weighted average adjustment to reduce dilution in the event that the Company issues additional equity secuities...Now even though us old pros know that there are different kinds of antidilution provisions, are you absolutely sure you remember which one is the good kind and which is the horrible kind that caused all those problems in 2001? Are you sure your lawyer will catch it if the formula isn't quite right? Wouldn't you rather be sure? I've lived through a crisis where a company's antidilution provisions kicked in and nobody could agree on how the formula was to be interpreted. I wish I'd had this book on my shelf back then.
Which brings me back to my claim at the top about having a super-mentor in book form. Venture Deals
Venture Deals
Now, it's important to keep in mind that Brad and Jason are themselves VC's, albeit ones with an entrepreneur-friendly reputation. So you always have to take their advice - like anyone's - with a grain of salt. But they've thought of that, too. Throughout the book, they've given space for brief commentaries by an experienced entrepreneur, Matt Blumberg, CEO of Return Path. In several places he gives an important counterpoint to Brad and Jason's perspective. It's a combination that is unique to this book.
I hope all of you who are reading this - no matter where you live, no matter what kind of company you have - will one day get to make the pilgrimage to Sand Hill Road in Silicon Valley, or another famous startup hub. It's an exhilarating experience. But it's not without its risks. As the old saying goes, "watch your wallet." And bring your copy of Venture Deals
A fact-check on Zakir Naik's rant against evolution
by Salman Hameed
Two years ago I had posted some comments on Zakir Naik's rant against evolution. There is nothing new in it - and it basically rehashed creationist arguments embellished with some incredible misinformation. Here is that earlier post: Zakir Naik's Rant Against Evolution. Now somebody has actually gone through his often-incorrect statements and have done a fact-check on them. The fun part is to listen to Zakir Naik throw some made-up names at the audience. But my favorite is his declaration that homo sapiens are extinct species. But all fun aside, we have to realize that guys like Zakir Naik still hold substantial influence over audiences in the Muslim world (though not as much as they often claim). While many will still follow him no matter what, videos like this one (below) are useful in exposing some of their craziest statements. Enjoy! (tip - from the much saner Zakir: Zakir Thaver)
[I have some minor quibbles with the corrections. For example, Newton, Boyle, etc. were lumped-in as Catholics, instead of Protestants, or something else altogether in the case of Newton. But overall these are minor issues.]
Also see:
Dr. Israr Ahmed on Evolution
Ghamidi on Islam and evolution
The evolution of Harun Yahya's "Atlas of Creation"
Zakir Naik's rant against evolution
Yusuf Estes' ignorance and hilarity combo about evolution
Maududi on evolution
"Islamtoday" on evolution
Two years ago I had posted some comments on Zakir Naik's rant against evolution. There is nothing new in it - and it basically rehashed creationist arguments embellished with some incredible misinformation. Here is that earlier post: Zakir Naik's Rant Against Evolution. Now somebody has actually gone through his often-incorrect statements and have done a fact-check on them. The fun part is to listen to Zakir Naik throw some made-up names at the audience. But my favorite is his declaration that homo sapiens are extinct species. But all fun aside, we have to realize that guys like Zakir Naik still hold substantial influence over audiences in the Muslim world (though not as much as they often claim). While many will still follow him no matter what, videos like this one (below) are useful in exposing some of their craziest statements. Enjoy! (tip - from the much saner Zakir: Zakir Thaver)
[I have some minor quibbles with the corrections. For example, Newton, Boyle, etc. were lumped-in as Catholics, instead of Protestants, or something else altogether in the case of Newton. But overall these are minor issues.]
Also see:
Dr. Israr Ahmed on Evolution
Ghamidi on Islam and evolution
The evolution of Harun Yahya's "Atlas of Creation"
Zakir Naik's rant against evolution
Yusuf Estes' ignorance and hilarity combo about evolution
Maududi on evolution
"Islamtoday" on evolution
Free Computer Lab Time Pass
جميع الكُتيبات الإسلامية word و PDF
الكُتيبات الإسلامية
جميع كتيبات الموقع PDF , وword في هذا الرابط
و جزى الله القائمين على هذا موقع مكتبتنا العربية كل خير لتكرمهم و تفضلهم علينا بغستخدام موقع الرفع
حجم الملف : 600 MB
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جميع كتيبات الموقع PDF , وword في هذا الرابط
و جزى الله القائمين على هذا موقع مكتبتنا العربية كل خير لتكرمهم و تفضلهم علينا بغستخدام موقع الرفع
حجم الملف : 600 MB
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Fig Almond Breakfast Bread

This bread is yummy. It is a nice departure from sweet quick breads. It is still a quick bread but it tastes more like a dense health bread. It isn't very sweet at all. It has a sweet struessel topping and figs inside but those are the only sweet elements in this recipe. This bread would be great for breakfast, brunch or a snack with jam or cream cheese spread on top. It is a must try.
1 C dried figs
1/2 C boiling water
1 T.flour
1 1/2 C white flour
1/2 whole wheat flour
2 large egg whites
1 large egg
3/4 C applesauce
1/3 C plain non-fat yogurt
1/4 C canola oil
1/2 tsp. almond extract
3/4 C granulated sugar
1/3 C chopped almonds
1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
2 1/2 T brown sugar
2 T. flour
1 1/2 T. coarsely chopped almonds
1 T chilled butter, cut into small pieces
1/8 tsp. cinnamon
To prepare streussel, combine the streussel ingredients in a small bowl stirring with a fork until crumbly; set aside.
To prepare bread, combine figs and 1/2 cup of boiling water in a small bowl. Let stand for 30 minutes. Coat a loaf pan with cooking spray; dust with 1 tablespoon of flour.
Place egg whites and egg in a medium bowl; stir well with a whisk. Add applesauce, yogurt, oil, and almond extract; stir well. Add sugar; stir well.
Combine flours and remaining ingredients in a large bowl, stirring with a whisk. Drain figs, and coarsely chop. Add figs and applesauce mixture to flour mixture, stirring until just combined. Pour batter into pan. Sprinkle streussel over batter. Bake at 350 for 55 minutes or until a wooden toothpick comes out clean. Cool in pan for 15 minutes on a wire rack; remove from pan. Cool completely on wire rack.
Hacking Trial Software, Use it Forever
Menyebalkan sekali ketika kita menggunakan sebuah software trial dan kebetulan masa trial-nya habis. Alternatif lain yang bisa kita lakukan adalah membeli software tersebut agar menjadi full version. Lantas bagaimana jika kebetulan kantong sedang tidak mendukung atau tidak pernah mendukung atau memang freedom maniac? Sudah tentu sobat akan mencari keygen atau crack untuk software tersebut. Tapi
The Creative Teacher Giveaway!
I am so super excited to share this with you! I have teamed up with Artskills to offer a fantastic giveaway! We are going to get you geared up for the coming school year with The Creative Teacher Giveaway! If you are the BIG winner of the giveaway, you will get $50 of free Creative Teacher Bulletin Board Products from my favorite line... ARTSKILLS! The best part is this... Once you get your Creative Teacher Bulletin Board products you can instantly get started planning your fabulous bulletin boards and enter the upcoming Bulletin Board contest that ARTSKILLS will launch this fall. And wouldn't it be fun to have your bulletin board featured and grab the prize winning button for your blog? There will also be other fun buttons to grab. If you do not have a blog you can still enter and participate and WIN too! So this invitation goes out to everyone and I mean everyone! Come on friends, show your Creative Teacher Spirit and let's get down to a little crafty fun.
Here are the rules!
1. "Like" Artskills on their Facebook page AND Follow the Little Miss Kindergarten Blog! But you have to do both AND leave your comment here on my blog.
2. Blog about this giveaway and comment here on my blog!
3. BONUS leave a comment on your favorite Artskills product and how you plan to use it! You can do that on the Artskills Facebook page while you are there!
I want you to know everybody is welcome to join in and participate! I really can't wait to hear your ideas and meet new friends!
And if you find the Amazing Artist Interactive Bulletin Board set you better send me a line!
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