Target Treasures Oh My!

When you were last shopping at Target and you saw these cute lesson plan books were you wondering what you could use them for? I always do my lesson planning on the computer so I really did not need a lesson plan book even if it was for a dollar. BUT wouldn't these be great planning books? I had to go back and buy a few because I really LOVE planning things out. I thought these would be perfect for that because I have found that I am more likely do accomplish something if I plan it out and actually write it down. The best part is that it won't get mixed up with anything else because it visually looks like a teacher book. I am so excited that I might just have to run back for just one more... And when I am back at Target, I am on the hunt for these bulletin boards by Artskills which really is my new obsession since my Smart Cookie bulletin board I have found.

Every once in a while you just have to get super excited over something and this is it for me. Hey, for $2.50 it just can't be beat!


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