Luahan: Ramadhan

“Akh, tulislah sesuatu untuk Ramadhan.”

“Akh, antum nak biarkan ramadhan ini berlalu tanpa apa-apa karya dari antum?”

“Akh, bila nak tulis cerpen lagi?”

Dan pelbagai lagi luahan yang saya terima. Diri menjadi serba salah. Dulu memang persoalannya saya tidak bersedia untuk menulis, tetapi sampai bila baru akan datang kekuatan untuk kembali menulis?

Pendahuluan: Masih Mahu Kembali

Teringat kata-kata seorang ikhwah yang membantu saya untuk meninggalkan salah satu liku gelap hidup saya,

Akh, nta kena ingat. Kekuatan itu tidak boleh ditunggu, tapi ia perlu dibina.

Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah keadaan yang ada pada diri mereka sendiri.[Q.S. Ar-Ra’du, 13:11]

Kata-kata yang menyebabkan saya mengambil langkah drastik untuk mengubah pendirian saya yang pada asalnya masih berat untuk melakukan perubahan. Maka dengan asas yang sama, saya akan mengorak langkah pada ramadhan ini.

Kembali, entah untuk kali ke berapa.

Ramadhan Kali Ini

Ramadhan datang lagi.
Saya akan cuba memastikan ramadhan kali ini membawa perubahan.
Lebih baik daripada yang lepas.
Terutama buat diri ini.
Semoga masih belum terlambat untuk berkongsi

Di awal-awal Ramadhan, ramai yang berkongsi hadis-hadis berkenaan Ramadhan.

Dibuka pintu-pintu syurga.
Ditutup pintu-pintu neraka.
Pahala dilipat gandakan.
Diampunkan dosa-dosa yang lalu.

Saya ternanti-nanti akan sebuah hadis ini disebutkan, namun tiada yang menyampaikan. Lalu saya menukilkan.

Diriwayatkan dari Ka'ab bin Ujrah RA, dia berkata, Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda, Datanglah kamu ke mimbar". Kemudian kami datang. Maka, apabila beliau naik tangga pertama, beliau berkata, 'Amin, lalu apabila naik tangga kedua juga berkata, 'Amin'. Bila Baginda SAW melangkah naik tangga yang ketiga, Baginda SAW pun berkata, 'Amin'.
Maka, ketika beliau turun kami berkata, Wahai Rasulullah, sungguh hari ini kami telah mendengar dari engkau sesuatu yang belum pernah kami dengar".

Beliau bersabda, "Sesungguhnya Jibril telah datang kepadaku lalu berkata, Celakalah orang yang melewatkan bulan Ramadhan begitu saja sehingga dia tidak diampuni'. Aku berkata, 'Amin'.

Lalu, ketika aku naik tangga kedua dia berkata, “Celakalah orang yang mendengar namamu disebut, tetapi dia tidak memohon shalawat ke atasmu.” Aku berkata, 'Amin'.

Bila aku melangkah naik tangga ketiga dia berkata, “Celakalah orang yang menjumpai kedua orang tuanya telah tua atau salah satu di antara keduanya, namun mereka tidak dapat memasukkannya ke syurga'. Aku berkata, 'Amin'."
[HR Al-Bukhari, Al-Baihaqi, Al-Hakim, dan Ibnu Hibban]

Pengajaran Hadis: Tinggalkan Maksiat

Mudah hadis di atas untuk difahami. Jika berlalunya Ramadhan namun kita tidak diampunkan, maka kita didoakan oleh Jibril AS sebagai celaka. Diaminkan pula oleh Rasulullah SAW, semulia-mulia manusia yang pernah wujud di muka bumi ini. Namun, perlaksanaannya menuntut komitmen yang tinggi.

Ciri-ciri orang yang diampunkan adalah mereka yang bertaubat. Tidak mungkin seseorang yang tidak bertaubat akan diampunkan dosanya oleh Allah SWT. Ciri-ciri orang yang bertaubat pula ada 3,

1. Berhenti daripada melakukan maksiat
Kenalpasti apa maksiat yang masih bersarang dalam diri. Tinggalkan semuanya. Tinggalkan.

2. Menyesali perbuatan maksiat yang dilakukan
Bagaimana hendak menyesal? Pastikan kita tahu dan sedar bahawa perbuatan itu berdosa. Ramai orang tidak mahu meninggalkan perbuatan maksiat kerana merasakan keseronokan dan kelazatan maksiat itu. Sehingga merasakan tidak perlu meninggalkannya.

Bahkan lebih teruk lagi, merasakan perbuatan itu tidak berdosa pun. Innalillah.

3. Berazam bersungguh-sungguh untuk tidak mengulangi perbuatan maksiat.
Maka, dengan segala kesedaran dan pengetahuan akan hakikat dosa yang masih kita lakukan, mari kita tinggalkan maksiat yang menebal dalam diri kita di bulan suci ini.

Penutup: Jangan Jadi Golongan Yang Celaka

Mungkin tidak mudah untuk meninggalkan kesemua maksiat yang tersenarai. Namun tidak mustahil untuk meninggalkan 5 yang teratas bukan? Jadi, senaraikan 5 maksiat-maksiat yang masih bersarang dalam diri. Kenalpasti bagaimana cara hendak meninggalkannya. Lalu, tinggalkan dengan bersungguh-sungguh.

Mungkin kita seorang pembuang masa yang tegar; banyak tengok movie, main game, baca komik. Baca artikel: Nak Baca Komik Boleh?
Mungkin kita terjerumus ke lembah percintaan yang tidak jelas perhubungannya. Boleh baca artikel: Untukmu, Nak Ber'couple' Boleh Tak?, Bagaimana Bercinta Dalam Islam?
Perokok tegar? Baca artikel: Sentiasa Ingat Siapa Dirimu

Antara yang ingin saya ubah adalah, konsisten menulis. Katakanlah aamiin. Mohon didoakan terus.
Mari buat perubahan. Jadilah mereka yang diampuni. Jangan jadi celaka.
Na’uzubillah min zaalik

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak
Baiti Jannati

p/s: Mus’ab dah 6 bulan hari ini~

~End Of Post~


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Save the Date: December 3, 2012

This post was co-written by Eric Ries and Sarah Milstein, co-hosts of The Lean Startup Conference this fall.

Big news! We’ve got a date and venue for The Lean Startup Conference: December 3 - 4, 2012 at the InterContinental San Francisco. We’ll open registration in a couple of weeks and if you’d like to be the first to know when tickets go on sale--along with a shot at the lowest ticket price--we encourage you to sign up here for our short, friendly emails.

Note that this year's conference will be part of a multi-day series of activities, including workshops and more. If you're making plans to come from out of town, we recommend you plan to come for the weekend, too.

Some quick notes about the folks working on the conference.

First, the the larger venue this year is made possible by 
New Context, which is producing the conferenceNew Context is a consulting firm that helps companies and organizations develop software using lean principles. To support the lean startup community and help us share ideas, they’re getting behind this event in a serious way. Although Eric is a general partner in New Context, we’re observing a separation of church and state for the conference: you won’t see any on-stage ads from New Context, and while the firm may have clients with useful case studies or advice, New Context itself isn’t involved in deciding who speaks at the show.

That brings us to who is responsible for the program: Eric and Sarah, this year’s co-hosts. If you’re here, we assume you know Eric. :) Some of you may know Sarah from the
Web 2.0 conferences, for which she was recently co-chair and general manager. She also pulled together last year’s successful Ignite: Lean Startup in SF, and she’s done some other stuff that you may have run across, too.

We’re actively working on the program now, and we’ll talk more soon about our process for finding speakers. Meantime, please
sign up below to receive conference email and be among those with access to our special first-mover rates. 


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تحريك الجنان لتدبر وتوقير أم القرآن PDF

رابط الحفظ


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أبواب السماء - للشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب PDF


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قلب جديد !! لمن يريد قلب - للشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب


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Copycat "Grilled" Chicken Tenderloins

I made this for dinner last night!  Too good not to re-post!!

I saw this recipe on Mommy's Kitchen and I had to try it for my kids.  It looks so easy and delicious.  It's a copycat version of a recipe served in Cracker Barrel restaurants called Grilled Chicken Tenders.  This name is interesting to me since this chicken isn't grilled at all.  Of course "my style" I always want to use ingredients I have on hand so I tweaked the recipe a little bit.  I used balsamic vinaigrette dressing instead of Italian dressing and agave instead of honey but the lime I kept the same ;)  You can find the original recipe on Mommy's Kitchen here.  Please check out her blog, there are a lot of fantastic recipes to try!


4 - 5 chicken breasts, cut into pieces or 12 chicken tenderloins
1 cup Italian Dressing (I used Balsamic Viniagrette)
2 teaspoons fresh lime juice
4 teaspoons honey (I used Agave) 


Cut each chicken breast into strips or use tenderloins pieces. If using tenderloins cut and remove the white tendon off each end. In a bowl that has a cover or large Ziploc bag add the dressing, lime juice and honey; mix to combine. Add the chicken and mix to coat all the pieces. Marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Braise the tenders in a non-stick pan until golden brown in color, but not dry. Start the stove temperature at medium high to get things going. After it comes to a boil reduce the heat to low-medium and continue cooking. You just want them to simmer until all the liquid has cooked down. You still want a bit of glaze left in the pan. When chicken is done remove and serve.

**You pour the chicken with all the marinade into the pan to braise.  It will look like you have A LOT of liquid but do not worry, it will cook all the way down.  Below are 4 pictures showing the cooking process over a 40 minute period.

When I first put the chicken and marinade in the pan
About 10 minutes into the braising process
About 20 minutes into the braising process
About 40 minutes total cooking time


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Checking out Wilco at Mass MoCA

by Salman Hameed

One of my summer pleasures for the past decade has been attending a live performance of the band Wilco. Their music is creative and always evolving into new directions. Plus, they put on amazing live shows. In fact, it is the live performances where you really get a chance to see the production of their sound. I'm planning on seeing them at Mass MoCA tomorrow night (it is a benefit concert for Mass MoCA). In preparation for that, here are a couple of Wilco songs from the last few years:

Theologians (from 2004) - but this is the closest I could get to topic related to science and religion:

And yes, indeed the theologians don't come off too well in the song:

That don't know nothing 
About my soul 
Oh they don't know 

They thin my heart with little things 
And my life with change 
Oh in so many ways 
I find more missing every day 

Just for its music, here is Impossible Germany from a few years ago. It features an outstanding solo by jazz guitarist, Nels Cline:

And here is the kick-ass opening track, The Art of Possible, from the current album, The Whole Love:


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سير أعلام النبلاء - للذهبي


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Pork-Fried Quinoa – Oh Say Can You Seed?

Finally, after only five or six hundred requests, we’re posting a quinoa recipe! People love eating this “super food” for all the obvious nutritional reasons, but based on the emails I’ve received, they’re constantly searching for new and delicious ways to use it.

Well, this was so tasty, so fast, and so easy, I’ll be shocked if it doesn’t make it into the regular rotation. And don’t think for a minute that we’ve simply overwhelmed the quinoa with a bunch of high-calorie, unhealthy ingredients, because that’s not the case. Not that I’m above such culinary shenanigans; but it just wasn’t necessary.

I was really surprised how decadent and satisfying this seemed, and with only a tablespoon of vegetable oil, and a handful of very lean smoked ham. These tiny quinoa seeds (that’s right, now you can sound like a d-bag correcting your foodie friends at cocktail parties who call this a “grain”) really are sponges for flavor. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I can’t wait to experiment with other quinoa creations.

By the way, if you’re an experienced quinoa cooker, and have any great tips, please pass them along. I’m not sure how this would work with the other varieties/colors of quinoa. I assume it would, but have never used them. I also used less water than the directions call for, but wanted the seeds to be a little “al dente,” which seemed to work well here.

Anyway, whether you’re an experienced quinoaista or a newbie like me, I hope you give this delicious pork-fried quinoa a try soon. Enjoy!

Ingredients for 2 large or 4 small servings:
1 cup quinoa
salt to taste
1 1/2 cups cold water
1 tbsp vegetable oil
1 cup diced smoked ham
1/2 cup diced peppers
1/2 cup sliced green onions
3 cloves garlic minced
1 tbsp seasoned rice vinegar
1 or 2 tbsp soy sauce, or to taste
Sriracha, or any hot sauce to taste
toasted sesame seeds to taste
Bonus Quinoa Esoterica:

When my friend Tamar, from the always entertaining blog Starving Off the Land, heard I was doing a quinoa post, she sent me this photo. At first glace, this looks like some new variety of grey quinoa, but they're actually tiny oysters! Tamar farms oysters on Cape Cod, and you're looking at roughly 50,000 baby bivalves. Simply amazing. Thanks, Tamar!


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رمضان طريقنا إلى الجنة - مجموعة من العلماء - DOC - PDF - تحميل مباشر

رمضان طريقنا إلى الجنة
 فضائل وأحكام * مواعظ وآداب * وفتاوى مهمة
لأصحاب الفضيلة
عبدالعزيز بن عبدالله بن باز رحمه الله
محمد بن صالح العثيمين رحمه الله
عبدالله بن عبدالرحمن الجبرين رحمه الله
واللجنة الدائمة للإفتاء

إعداد :
القسم العلمي بمدار الوطن
الناشر :
مدار الوطن للنشر
عدد الصفحات :
الحجم :
258 كيلو بايت 
نوع ملف الكتاب :
التحميل المباشر :


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موسوعة شهر رمضان المبارك - CD

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الاسطوانة مقسمة الى 17 رابط



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The battle over "Nothing"

by Salman Hameed

Why is there something instead of nothing? Why does the universe exists? These questions are at the boundary of science and religion. An explanation for the Big Bang would not answer these questions, as we may have a multiverse, and the explanation of the origin of a multiverse may still need to explain why we have the laws that produced a multiverse. From a scientific (and practical) perspective, we can never use a supernatural explanation. That would stifle inquiry - as we can never know if we have reached the actual limit of our understanding or not (there is always an origins questions behind every origin explanation). But scientifically we cannot say if ultimately there is a God that is the cause of why things exist or if there isn't one. The opinion on God (or lack thereof) is ultimately a matter of faith.

This point is explored in more detail by a new book by Jim Holt, Why Does the World Exist? In the mean time, here is an excellent review that talks about the meaning of nothing:

Holt is just the man for the something/nothing detective story because he is one of those rare individuals who can speak three distinctive languages fluently: the advanced mathematical language of the quantum cosmologist, the sometimes-indecipherable language of post-modal philosophy and theology, and, oh, right, the third language: English. In fact he can write it with extraordinary subtlety. His prose is both suspenseful—his subtitle is "An Existential Detective Story"—and stringent in an exemplary way.
The new argument that has broken out over the meaning of nothing is one of the most profound and fascinating controversies in modern thought.  
The conflict is certainly more important than the Higgs boson business, because the discovery of the Higgs, the (supposed) Final Particle, the one that gives all other particles mass, just points up how little we know about nothing. It points up once again the true missing piece in our understanding of the cosmos: If the Higgs boson makes matter possible, what makes the Higgs boson possible? How did it come into being from nothing? And if they tell you the laws of physics created it, made it necessary, as some do, then what created those particular laws? And where are they in the midst of nothing? Hovering above, or somehow woven into nothing? But that would imply nothing has a capacity to contain laws, in which case it would no longer be nothing; it would be a vehicle for abstract equations. 
And how do abstract laws have what Jim Holt calls “ontological clout”—the ability, just by existing conceptually somewhere (actually nowhere, since nothing has no “where”), to bring something into being from nothing? 
And so on in an infinite regress into the abyss of the ancient but still hardy Aristotelian First Cause problem: Any proposed First Cause such as “the laws of quantum mechanics” will presuppose a cause previous to it that caused the purported First Cause.
So what is "Nothing"? No, it is not the vacuum. Holt found this answer which comes close to nothing:

It takes Holt 150 pages or so of travelling the world interrogating the nothing theorists to find one who gives what he believes to be an adequate definition of nothing—the nothing we seek to find, the one that qualifies for the “how do we get something from nothing” question. 
This comes in his conversation with the physicist and cosmologist Alex Vilenkin, and it’s worth listening to what a stringent definition of nothing really is: 
“Imagine,” Holt asks us, paraphrasing Vilenkin, “spacetime [the matrix we live in] has the surface of a sphere. ... Now suppose that this sphere is shrinking like a balloon that is losing its air. The radius grows smaller and smaller. Eventually—try to imagine this—the radius goes all the way to zero.” 
Pause for a moment to think of a sphere whose radius has gone “all the way to zero.” No time. No space. It’s hard—but not impossible—to get your head around it. Now back to Holt: 
“The surface of the sphere disappears completely and with it spacetime itself. We have arrived at nothingness. We have also arrived at a precise definition of nothingness: a closed spacetime of zero radius. This is the most complete and utter nothingness that scientific concepts can capture. It is mathematically devoid not only of stuff but also of location and duration.” Nothing is nowhere. 
It’s not anything like a chunk of vacuum because a chunky vacuum has extension. It’s not anything like anything. It’s nothing.
This is a good explanation. However, I'm not convinced that this is absolute nothing.  After all, the space-time matrix that we live in may only be part of our universe. If there are other universes out there, then they will have their own respective space-time matrices. From that perspective, a shrinking of our space-time sphere to nothing will result in a nothing of our universe only - and we will run into the same problem of something existing outside of our nothing!

However, the review is actually quite good and it also mentions the whole flap over Lawrence Krauss' latest book, A Universe Out of Nothing. And yes, the problem is that Krauss' nothing is actually something (quantum vacuum). Read the full review here.

Also see this earlier post: Multiverse Theory - Leave it to science


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