A Shoulder to Sigh On
Tonight I am going to write about my favorite subject. I hope you don't mind reading about her.
Even though she's come down with a cold that would knock me off my feet, Ava hasn't stopped moving hers all day. The only thing that's different is that she's a little more cuddly. Tonight at dinner she was sitting in her high chair and she said to her daddy, "Shoulder?" (Which means, can I see yours?) So, he bent down to lend his shoulder, she laid her head on it, sighed, and after a minute said, "All done."
The only attention I've been paying to shoulders lately has to do with yoga: mostly that I can't do much at all with mine.
But Ava reminded me of how wrong I am. When it's all a one year old wants, it feels like a shoulder can do everything. I'm going to find one to rest my head on a little more often, too.
Another tid-bit:
:: We have a big stainless steel pot in one of the cupboards that Ava is allowed in. It's underneath the counter top and where we keep her CDs and a few other make-shift musical items (lids, tupper ware, old oatmeal containers). About a week or two ago, I noticed her as far into that cupboard as she could get, carrying on a conversation like she was with friends in a coffee shop.
That someone was the little reflection in the steel pot, who I'm sure appeared to be talking just as animatedly to her as she was to it (wink, wink).
She's gone in to say hello just about every night since. And before she backs herself out, I hear a little smooch and then, "bye bye." I know I'm supposed to be her "first teacher," but I swear, that little girl is my best teacher.
Thursday Splurge-day
I don't do this often, but I had to do it. Hanna Andersson was having a great sale a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't resist this adorable little outfit for Ava. She wears the "sippers" around the house and I am trying not to "save" the outfit for a special occasion because isn't everyday is a special occasion?

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