Lost List

I found a list that I wrote over a year ago, four months after the birth of my daughter. I remember when I wrote it. She was sleeping nearby and it was one of those moments (the enduring kind that strengthen rather than fade) when the purpose I'd been searching for was so obvious and so simple, spelled out in little baby breaths.
In the journal entry that preceded the list, I had written the following:
One of my favorite times of day with her is in the early morning whenThe list was just a way to organize some of the things that had been floating around my mind for some time and that were rekindled by Ava's adventure and determination. I'm not sure it's a "life list" but they are things that I hope to accomplish or qualities I aspire to possess, some sooner rather than later. There isn't much that's exotic or worldly (maybe a little far reaching) but then it wouldn't be my "life list" it'd be my "wanna-be list."
its still dark out and all you can hear are her little breaths and the
few cars who are passing by, getting an early start on the road. When
I pick her up she's so warm and cuddly and just snuggles right into
me. She smells so good and breathes so softly. I'm often late for work
because I extend one more minute into two, into three, into four...
She loves the Beatles and especially loves it when we sing their tunes
to her. She looks at me, then Pete, then me, then Pete and she's just
so delighted with all of the attention that she doesn't know what else
to do but squeal and giggle and kick her little feet.
She is, pure and simple, a treasure. She loves people, loves life, and
loves to laugh. Every day we are reminded of how simple and
adventurous life can be. I find myself paying attention to so much
more now...Ava has reminded me to listen to the birds, watch the sun
filter through the shades, and study the way water fills up a glass
and reflects the space around it.
And by the way, I think in the time it took me to color code this list, I could've knocked off at least a third of the items.
We're trying out another coffee shop tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes!
My brother took the picture (above) on a ski outing in Oregon (where he lives). You'll see that visiting him is on my list of things.
I've noticed that grocery stores are having decent (not great) sales on baking supplies (spices mostly)--but every little cent counts. And did you know that the money that you save serves as a credit for the calories that you create (and consume!)? How's that for rationalization, which, in case you haven't noticed, is probably my #1 skill.
Break in those baking supplies with these little delights. I'm having a hard time thinking of a better way to fill up the cooler (and shorter) days than with these. Yum!
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