
When I was little, the Christmas season didn't begin the day after Thanksgiving--or even two days after Thanksgiving. It didn't begin 12 days before Christmas or two days before Christmas.
Christmas season began 25 days before Christmas--the very first day of December. December 1.
And to honor it, I would make a red or a green bell out of construction paper and cut 25 strips out of paper--12 red and 13 green (or maybe 13 green and 12 red) and turn them into 25 chained circles using one of the greatest inventions ever after duct tape: glue stick.
Once the chain was complete, I'd staple it to the bell and hang the custom-made Advent calendar to my wall. Every night before bed but after a prayer, I'd nearly squeal in excitement as I slowly and methodically removed the next circle. Christmas was coming, it was coming, it was coming!
I'm not sure when I stopped making it--but I can tell you when I'll start again. I have a date with my daughter on Friday, November 30th--and it involves music and cookies, red paper, green paper, a pair of scissors, and you guessed it, glue stick.
Thanks to all who participated in the Turkey survey. We had 15 votes (that's three basketball teams, yeah!)--12 voted for turkey; 2 voted for both ham and turkey; 1 voted neither; and 1 voted other.
Check out our new survey on day-after-Thanksgiving shopping! Go ahead, tell us how you REALLY feel!
I was putting a lot of pressure on myself to formalize traditions with my new family. Like if we didn't have something "meaningful" to do on Thanksgiving we'd just sit around and think about how wasteful we were being on such a thankful day. But I've started to realize that traditions fall into place naturally, the way they are meant to. It's kind of like how when Ava was a week old, I convinced myself that if I didn't turn 12 circles, hop on one foot for 2 minutes, and blink my eyes for three, then she somehow wouldn't figure out how to fall asleep on her own. (Of course, I'm being dramatic). But what I've learned (or am learning) is that with a little effort, a lot of love, and right-sized intentions, everything falls into place exactly as it's supposed to and exactly when it's supposed to--and that even though it feels like eternities are passing while you're trying to figure it out, it's only seconds--and fast seconds at that.
And besides, if her sleep habits are any indication of the meaning and memories we're going to build throughout the years, then there isn't a skyscraper tall enough to hold them all.
25 days of Splurge-ness
If I could get with the program and move beyond my comfort zone of scarves, two sweaters, and an unfinished pair of socks, I'd knit this.
But I'm not holding my breath and I wouldn't recommend any of you hold yours either.
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