Malaysia's "Islamic car"?

The Malaysian carmaker Proton has announced plans to develop an "Islamic car", designed for Muslim motorists. Proton is planning on teaming up with manufacturers in Iran and Turkey to create the unique vehicle.And it runs on a prayer! is still a regular car (but it does require fuel that is located underneath some Muslim countries). So what is Islamic about it:
The car could boast special features like a compass pointing to Mecca and a dedicated space to keep a copy of the Koran and a headscarf.So basically, a severly limited GPS unit that only gives one direction and a glove compartment! But it is an interesting marketing strategy once again showing that capitalism really has no religion. Oh, and I am guessing that there will be a special model for women in Saudi Arabia: the same car, but with no way to get into the driver's seat.
Read the full story here.
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