Making Your Own Alphabet Strip

I searched all over the internet and every store I could think of for a cowboy themed alphabet strip.  I could not find one, so needless to say I made my own!  This is a super easy way to make an alphabet strip for your classroom to meet any theme you need!

First, I found computer paper that had the theme I was looking for.  I found this bandana themed paper at Hobby Lobby.  If you can’t find computer paper that works for your theme, you could also use scrapbook paper!

Next, I laminated and cut each paper.

Then, I took the existing alphabet strip that I had and cut the pictures off.  I also added the green start dots and handwriting strokes to each letter.

I purchased this alphabet strip from Mardels.
CLICK HERE to view alphabet strip online.

Finally, I hung the paper first, and then I hung the letters over the paper.  I didn’t laminate the paper with the letter already on top of it because I didn’t think the lamination would stick since the alphabet paper was thick.

Here is the final project!  I wanted a cowboy themed alphabet strip because I am using it as an outlaw word wall.


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