Saturday Video: "Are we ready for neo-evolution" by Harvey Fineberg

by Salman Hameed

We will be facing increasing number of complicated ethical questions as we learn more about the human genome and develop the ability to manipulate it. The possibilities of biology today are both awesome and frightening. I was thinking if physicists felt like this in the early 20th century, when discoveries on both large and small scales were promising improvements in the human quality of life as well as bringing the threat of complete annihilation.

It is therefore great to see this talk by medical ethicist, Harvey Fineberg, on the promise and pitfalls of manipulation at genetic scales. I agree with him  that given an opportunity, people will indeed seek improvements in the physical abilities. Writing in Universe in a Nutshell, Stephen Hawking had made an interesting observation about Star Trek - The Next Generation (ST-TNG). He was a fan of ST-TNG, and even appeared in one of the episodes playing poker with Data, Newton, and Einstein in holodeck (you can see the scene here). However, he said that the most unbelievable thing about ST-TNG was not its depiction of aliens. Instead, what was most unbelievable was that humans looked like today's humans in the 24th century! His main point was that whether we like it or not, given the ability, humans will modify themselves. May be we will all be 10 feet tall. But more likely, we have no clue what physical ability will help us more in the next couple of 100 years. After all, not many futurists predicted internet and the way it has transformed our society. Nevertheless, it is valuable to think about the way we use this power of biology - and we can perhaps learn some lessons from 20th century physics. [By the way, this is one place where creationists are on the safe ground. Since they don't have a clue about the basics of biology, their (lack of) understanding can lead to neither any positive or negative results - or any results in general. :) ]

In the mean time, here is the TED talk by Harvey Fineberg (about 20 minutes long):


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أقوال وحكم خالدة من أفواه السلف الصالح

أقوال وحكم خالدة من أفواه السلف الصالح.

المؤلف: القسم العلمي بدار الوطن.

حمل الكتاب من هنا

أو من هنا

أو من هنا


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Fantastically Fabulous Fiesta!

Lots and lots of emails for the dinnerware sets! The plates that were in the picture, on the blog, were bought a year ago! I LOVED them so much that I bought two sets. I have looked for a third set and could not find them but I found this one and I think it could coordinate with the other and I LOVE how this one is square! I will also post more information about the Fantastically Fabulous Inventory Bags later tonight. See... I do respond to emails, just having a time keeping up with them!  


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المبسوط للسرخسي ( في لافقه الحنفي ) PDF

شمس الدين السرخسي
30 مجلد بالإضافة إلى 1 مجلد فهارس
مطبعة السعادة - مصر - 1331 هـ
تصوير دار المعرفة - بيروت
الحجم الإجمالي : 206 ميجا


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برامج مهمة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الحمد لله رب العالمين و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد و على آله  و صحبه و بعد

فهذه مجموعة من البرامج التي لا غنى عنها و بخاصة في مجال الكتب الالكترونية  ، و هي :

1.        وين رار عربي - WinRAR A

              التحميل المباشر اضغط هنا

2.      عنوان الكتاب: أدوبي أكروبات القارئ - Adobe Acrobat Reader
   التحميل المباشر اضغط هنا

3.      عنوان الكتاب: وين رار إنجليزي – WinRAR      
التحميل المباشر اضغط هنا


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The Best Teacher Recipe Ever!

Before you head out to the store, take a look at this recipe which is the best teacher recipe ever! This was passed down to me from one of my favorite "go to" recipe girls, Holli! In my house she is totally famous for sending me home with the best recipes ever... You have to try this because you simply can't believe it is this simple and delicious. Ole!


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تنزيل المكتبة الشاملة

تنزيل المكتبة الشاملة

حمل المكتبة الشاملة الآن

طريقة الاستخدام:
1- حمل الملف من أي من الروابط السابقة
2- قم بفك الضغط ببرنامج Winrar، فينتج لك مجلد بالشكل التالي:
3- استخدم خاصية الترقية الحية في البرنامج، لتنزيل الكتب الجديدة باستمرار


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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

هنا ساضع مجموعة من المخطوطات التي وجدتها في مكتبتي بإذن الله


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Lucia's Famous Brownies

Ok, these are the best brownies that you will ever taste. No joke. My co-worker Lucia makes them for the office and everyone goes crazy for them. The homemade frosting is key. Try them. They do not disappoint.


4 egg
2 C. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1 C. (2 sticks) BUTTER (has to be butter), melted
1 C. flour
2/3 C. unsweetened cocoa
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
1 C. chopped nuts (optional)


Pre heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9x13 pan, set aside. Melt butter, set aside. Beat eggs in a mixing bowl, gradually add sugar. Add vanilla, melted butter. Mix well. Combine flour, cocoa, baking powder, and salt. Add to egg mixture. Mix well. Stir in nuts. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 30-35 minutes or until brownies begin to pull away from sides of pan. Cool completely. Leave in pan. Frost with icing. Sprinkle with finely chopped nuts or chocolate sprinkles if desired.


1/3 C. butter
2/3 C. unsweetened cocoa
2 2/3 C. powdered sugar
1/3 C. milk
1 tsp. vanilla


Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add cocoa, stirring constantly until smooth. Pour into a mixing bowl. Cool completely. Alternately add powdered sugar with milk. Beat to spreading consistency. Beat in vanilla.

Linked up to Sweets for Saturday
Linked up to A Themed Bakers Sunday


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الفقه الميسر في ضوء الكتاب والسنة PDF

الفقه الميسر في ضوء الكتاب والسنة

لجمع من العلماء

عدد المجلدات: 1

حجم الملف : 7MB

روابط الحفظ

الكتاب المقدمة


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The Countdown Begins...

Almost ready for the BIG event this coming Friday. We finally have the finishing touches on our donkey decorations. We have been busy practicing our dance and making flags along with so many other things! Check back tomorrow before you head out to the store for the most fabulous recipe of all! Ole!


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Yes, Herzog's documentaries are indeed better than most...

by Salman Hameed

It is always a treat to watch a Herzog film. He is fascinated and intrigued by humans. I absolutely loved Encounters at the End of the World and I'm looking forward to Cave of Forgotten Dreams - in 3D! It is about 32000 year old paintings found in Chauvet cave in southern France. Unfortunately, it is not playing anywhere nearby - not even in Boston. C'mon Massachusetts!

In any case, here is a fantastic Fresh Air interview with Herzog. Couple of things to note. Around 20 minutes in, he talks about 3D films. He makes an interesting comment that our brain takes more time and effort to process 3D images. It is therefore a mistake to make short-edits in these films. Instead, you should have longer takes and let people absorb the 3D information. Second, he also says that our brain - in real life - in not fully processing 3D information. That is, the brain takes short cuts, and uses other information to give is 3D information. But in most 3D films, we are forced to constantly deal with visual 3D - and that is the reason we feel tired after watching those films (Though I was tired after Avatar because of its multi-dimensional inanity).

But the best part of the interview is when he talks about Fred Astaire in Cave of Forgotten Dreams. Huh! And this is the reason Herzog's documentaries are better than most:
And when you look at the cave and certain panels, there's evidence of some fires on the ground. They're not for cooking. They were used for illumination. You have to step in front of these fires to look at the images, and when you move, you must see your own shadow. And immediately, Fred Astaire comes to mind — who did something 32,000 years later which is essentially what we can imagine for early Paleolithic people."
And so he added a sequence from Swing Time (1936), where Fred Astaire dances with his shadows. How cool is this! And this is a spectacular sequence (though black-face is a serious problem here). Here it is:

By the way, I'm not a big fan of musicals - but it would be great to have Fred Astaire style movies again. In undergraduate I took a class on Hollywood musicals and saw numerous Fred Astaire (and Ginger Rogers) films - and I have to say that most of them were very good.

Back to the 21st century. I'm looking forward to watching Cave of Forgotten Dreams. In the mean time, listen to the full interview here (the last couple of minutes are spent on the religious aspect of the cave). 


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Nukhbat al-Fikr PDF

Nukhbat al-Fikr
Author: Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

Nukhbat al-Fikr

Brief :
By Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani. The classic work on Usool al-Hadith by the al-Hafidh Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani. An essential title for anyone serisously interested in learning about Hadith, their chains of tranmission, narrators, and classfications   
pdf 202.8 KB

pdf 1.2 MB


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PDF 1000 Sunnah per Day & Night

1000 Sunnah per Day & Night
Author: RasoulAllah website

1000 Sunnah per Day & Night



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الخصائص الكبرى ( كفاية الطالب اللبيب في خصائص الحبيب)

الخصائص الكبرى ( كفاية الطالب اللبيب في خصائص الحبيب)
لعبد الرحمن أبي بكر السيوطي جلال الدين
تحقيق  محمد خليل هراس
دار الكتب الحديثة


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لسان العرب لأبن منظور 

طبعة دار المعارف 

عدد المجلدات : 6

التحميل : من هنا


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أبوبكر الصديق رضي الله عنه للصلابي

أبوبكر الصديق رضي الله عنه للصلابي

أبوبكرالصّدّيق رَضيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ
شخصيته وعصره
الدكتور علي محمد الصَّلاَّبي

إن تاريخ عصر الخلفاء الراشدين مليئ بالدروس والعبر وهي متناثرة في بطون الكتب والمصادر والمراجع سواء كانت تاريخية أو حديثية أو فقهية أو أدبية أو تفسيرية، فنحن في أشد الحاجة لجمعها وترتيبها وتوثيقها وتحليلها، فتاريخ الخلافة إذا أحسن عرضه يغذي الأرواح ويهذب النفوس، وينور العقول، ويشحذ الهمم، ويقدم الدروس، ويسهل العبر، وينضج الأفكار، فنستفيد من ذلك في إعداد الجيل المسلم وتربيته على منهاج النبوة،
كتاب الكتروني رائع
حجم البرنامج 780كيلوبايت


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تذكير شباب الإسلام ببر الوالدين وصلة الإرحام

عبد الله بن جار الله آل جار الله
رحمه الله


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التذكرة بأسباب المغفرة

عبد الله بن جار الله آل جار الله
رحمه الله 


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رحلة الخط العربي

رحلة الخط العربي
من المسـند… إلى الحديث
أحمد شوحان
لقد تناولت في هذه الرسالة المتواضعة رحلة الخط العربي منذ أن كان في أعماق الجزيرة العربية مسنداً على القبور والآثار إلى أن أصبح لوحات حديثة في المتاحف ومعارض الخط، وذلك من خلال وجهة نظري ككاتب وباحث لا من وجهة نظر الفنان والخطاط الذي يتابع الحرف والكلمة لدى المبدعين وذوي الاختصاص، ولذا أرجو المعذرة من هؤلاء الخطاطين الذين ينظرون إلى الكتابة عن الخط وتاريخه كما ينظرون إلى جمالية الخط وإبداع الخطاط في لوحته.

كتاب الكتروني رائع
حجم البرنامج547 كيلوبايت

فلنتعاون في الله بنشره على مواقع أخرى

ترجمة أحمد شوحان
مواليد دير الزور 1944
عضو اتحاد الكتاب العرب- جمعية البحوث والدراسات
عضو اتحاد الناشرين العرب-عضو جمعية العاديات.
يهتم بالدراسات الإسلامية، وتاريخ وادي الفرات.
كتب العديد من المؤلفات منها:
1-تاريخ دير الزور
2-معجم العشائر الفراتية
3-الأمثال الفراتية
4-ديوان العتابا الفراتية.
5-ديوان عبد الله الفاضل وقصة حياته... وغيرها.
حقق العديد من المخطوطات منها:
1-أحكام النساء
2-سيرة عمر بن عبد العزيز
3-تاريخ عمر بن الخطاب
4-مواسم العمر... وجميعها للإمام ابن الجوزي.


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صحيح مسلم
المؤلف: مسلم بن الحجاج القشيري النيسابوري أبو الحسين
المحقق: محمد فؤاد عبد الباقي


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كوكبة الخطب المنيفة من منبر الكعبة الشريفة

كوكبة الخطب المنيفة من منبر الكعبة الشريفة
عبد الرحمن بن عبد العزيز السديس
التحميل المباشر الكتاب


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What's Growing in Kindergarten?

Hello friends at Kindergarten Tales! We have been so busy getting ready for our program but we wanted to show you what has been going on in Science. We have been working in our school spirit garden and it looks like we are gonna have some fabulously fantastic salad parties before the end of school! We had a great crop in the fall and we are thinking our spring crop will be even better. We can't wait to hear from you!


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The Journey to Allah PDF

The Journey to Allah

الرحلة الى الله

By al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali. Bukhari records on the authority of Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (pbuh) said, 'Your actions alone will not save any of you.' They asked, 'Messenger of Allah, not even you?', He replied, 'Not even me, unless, Allah were to envelop me in His mercy. Be firm; steadfast and balanced; and journey [to Allah] in the beginning of the day, the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of the night. Moderation, moderation! Through this you will attain your goal!" He also recorded this hadith in another place with the wording, 'This religion is easy, none makes it hard upon himself except that it overwhelms him; therefore be firm, steadfast, and balanced; upon which have glad tidings! Seek help in this by journeying [to Allah] at the beginning of the day, at the end of the day, and a portion of the latter part of night.



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Great Women of Islam PDF

نساء عظيمات في الاسلام

Great Women of Islam

By: Mahmood Ahmad Ghadanfar
This book is about the life stories of the Mothers of the Believers and 16 other Sahabyat who had been given the good news of the paradise in this world by Prophet Muhammad (S). There are good examples in the lifestyle of the Mothers of the believers and women Companions especially for the Muslim women. It is necessary for all of us to study the Seerah of these noble and fortunate women. Besides the Mothers of the believers, the compiler of the book has included the description of those sixteen women who had been given the good News of the Paradise in this world by the Prophet Muhammad (S). Although the original book is in the Urdu language but the efforts of the translator had made it more beneficial for the readers



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Men Around The Messenger

Men Around The Messenger

While reading this book, we cannot help but be moved by the lives of the Companions herein depicted. How we long to have their awe and reverence for Allah! How we long to spend the same hours in worship as they! How we long to be as brave as they were in the face of danger! How we long to be as patient as they were under torture! This book fulfills the need for the English-speaking Muslim to learn more about that first generation of Muslims. Indeed the Companions -- the men who were contemporaries with the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) -- inspire and encourage us.


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Ar-Raheeq_Al-Makhtum PDF

file size :852kb
download link :
From here please


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بر الأموات والإحسان إليهم

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

كتيب جديد بعنوان

رابط الحفظ

من هنا حفظكم الله 


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Shortcut Sausage and Peppers

Sausage and Peppers seems to be a crowd favorite in all of our families and although there aren't very many ingredients and it's fairly easy to make it can get a bit messy and be time consuming.  Nanci came up with this great short cut and I think it tastes just as good!  Nanci uses fresh onions and peppers but recently I decided to try it with frozen onions and frozen tri-colored peppers to see if I can make this even easier to throw together and it was delicious!  I might even go as far to say that it's better than our original recipe...


1 package of Italian sweet sausage
1 - 12 oz bag frozen chopped onions (or one fresh medium onion sliced)
1 - 16 oz bag frozen sliced tri colored peppers (or 3 fresh peppers sliced)
1/4 cup of pasta sauce


Preheat oven to 425 degrees F.  Spray a casserole dish with non-stick cooking spray.   Put onions and peppers into the casserole dish and place the sausage on top.  Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes until the sausage is browned.  Turn the sausage over and bake for an additional 15-20 minutes to brown other side.  Remove from oven and take out sausage and slice into 1/2 inch pieces and place back into the casserole dish with the onions and peppers.  Add the pasta sauce and stir to coat.  Place back in the oven for an additional 20 minutes or until desired doneness ( I like mine well done and browned and caramelized)
Linked to Country Pot Luck


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Cinco de Mayo Banners

Hello friends! We have our banners finished and laminated so all we have left for this part of our project is to assemble them together and get them on the stage. We are getting excited and can't wait to share our celebration with our new Kinder Friends at Kindergarten Tales!  We are now moving on to the last few projects for our program. We will take some pictures of our school to show you!

PS. Yes, Cinco means five!


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القول الجلي في حل لبس النساء للحلي .... للشوكاني (رحمه الله ) PDF

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

حجم الملف :1,224 KB

رابط الحفظ:


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الكلم الطيب ... لشيخ الأسلام ابن تيمية (رحمه الله تعالى ) PDF

نقره لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة

حجم الملف: 2,128 KB

رابط الحفظ:


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العدة للكرب والشدة للمقدسي PDF

العدة للكرب والشدة / جمع الشيخ الامام الحافظ محمد بن عبد الواحد المقدسي / تحقيق ياسر بن ابراهيم بن محمد / دار المشكاة / الطبعة الاولى 1414 هـ

رابط التحميل :
من مرفوعات الأخ أبو يعلى فجزاه الله كل خير


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المُشَوّقُ إِلَى القِرَاءَةِ وَطَلَبِ العِلْمِ

المُشَوّقُ إِلَى القِرَاءَةِ وَطَلَبِ العِلْمِ

اسم الكتاب: المشوِّق إلى القراءة وطلب العلم
المؤلف: علي بن محمد العِمْران
دار النشر: دار عالم الفوئد
عدد الصفحات: قرابة 140صفحة
مادة الكتاب: وقد جمع المؤلف مادة الكتاب من أكثر من 150مرجع

قال المؤلف:
يبين هذا الكتاب بوضوحٍ وجَلاءٍ صورةً صادقةً من صور حبّ العلماء للكتب وشغفهم بها، قراءةً وإقراءً وتحصيلاً، عبر نماذج فريدة وصورٍ عجيبة، مُلتقطةٍ مِن سِيَرِهم وتراجمهم.

ولم آلُ جهدًا في النظر في كتب السير والتراجم والطبقات،على اختلاف العصور والفنون والمذاهب، لاستخراج المادة وسَلْكِها في فصولٍ مترابطة متكاتفة، ترمي إلى ما ذكرناه آنفًا من حبهم للعلم وشغفهم به.

ويأتي هذا الكتاب وغيره من الكتب التي تخدم هذا الغرض، في هذه الآونة، التي انصرف جمهورُ الناس فيها عن العلم والتعلُّق بأسبابه، سواءً بِمُلهياتٍ يُظَنُ أنها علمًا، أوبشبهاتٍ وشهواتٍ صارفة عن العلم وما أكثرها!!

والأمل في هذا الكتاب وأشباهه أن يكبح جماح أولئك المنصرفين، ويردهم إلى جادَّة الطريق، فنرجو أن يتحقق ذلك كله أو بعضه.

وقد قسم المؤلف الكتاب إلى فصول:
الأول: في الحث على الازدياد من العلم والتبحّر فيه.
الثاني : حرص العلماء وشغفهم بالكتب، قراءةً وتحصيلاً.
الثالث : في قراءة المطوّلات في مجالس معدودة.
الرابع : في تكرار قراة الكتاب الواحد المرات الكثيرة.
الخامس : في تدريس الكتاب الواحد المرات الكثيرة .
السادس : في نسخ الكتب وما تحملوه في ذلك .
السابع : إيقاظاتٌ وتنبهات .

اضغط على اسم الكتاب لتحميله


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إغاثة اللهفان من مصائد الشيطان
المؤلف: محمد بن أبي بكر بن أيوب بن قيم الجوزية
المحقق: محمد سيد كيلاني
حالة الفهرسة: غير مفهرس
الناشر: مصطفى البابي الحلبي
سنة النشر: 1381 - 1961
عدد المجلدات: 2
الحجم (بالميجا): 14

التحميل المباشر: مجلد 1مجلد 2الواجهة


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المرأة في الاسلام و في العقيدة اليهودية و النصرانية بين الحقيقة و السراب

المرأة في الاسلام و في العقيدة اليهودية و النصرانية بين الحقيقة و السراب

حجم الملف : 640 KB

رابط التحميل


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زبدة الفوائد من كتب ابن تيمية pdf .. للشيخ محمد العريفي

عنوان الكتاب: زبدة الفوائد من كتب ابن تيمية

المؤلف: أحمد بن عبد الحليم بن عبد السلام بن تيمية الحراني أبو العباس تقي الدينالعريفي

المحقق: محمد بن عبد الرحمن العريفي

حالةالفهرسة: غير مفهرس

الناشر: دار التدمرية

عدد المجلدات: 1

رقم الطبعة: 1

عدد الصفحات: 368

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A short story from Nature: "Test of Faith"

by Salman Hameed

Nature has been running a short scienece-related fictional story segment at the end of each issue. Last week's story deals with faith - well at least faith in science. Here is the beginning of Test of Faith by Brian P. Frank:

I must not fail. Sixth-year graduate student Vikram Singh was sweating profusely, not just from the heat of the nearby bonfire or the glowing bed of coals spread before him. Around him, the faculty members and students of the Chemical Engineering Department clapped and chanted the ritual songs while Professor Markson leapt about in a frenzy as she led the undergraduates, her long grey hair released from its customary tight bun. Her face was streaked with ceremonial paint in red and black, the school colours. The old bat looked utterly terrifying, worse than she had during his candidacy exams. Vikram stood barefoot and wore only the traditional loincloth.
All I have to do is walk across the coals. My ancestors in India did this for hundreds of years simply through the power of their belief. So why not me?
Of course, most of India was under water now, and he had grown up a Greenhouse refugee in Kansas. But he had climbed out of the camps, found scholarships to get himself here to the Institute and onward for graduate work until only one final barrier remained. But if he couldn't pass this test, it would all be for nothing. The noise grew louder, Professor Markson leaping higher until Vikram was sure she was going to give herself a coronary. It suddenly stopped as Professor Li, Vikram's thesis adviser, strode into the firelight and began the ritual speech:
“We gather here tonight to test the faith of Vikram Singh. Since the time of George the Second” — there was a chorus of enthusiastic boos and hisses from the crowd — “we have known that it is not enough for scientists and engineers to choose cold detachment. Those were dark days of research suppressed, of scientists persecuted for speaking truths that could have saved us all. And what is the result? Global disaster so vast that we still live with the consequences. It must not happen again.” 
Read the full story here.
By the way, you can read more about the science of firewalking here. This is actually a great way to explain concepts of conduction and heat capacity. You should not try it - but if you do want to impress people (and perhaps start your own religion), please use coal! :)


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