Well, What Do You Know....

My dad is visiting and I consider him expert in all things.

Ava marched him down to the pond this morning, to see the "otter" (what I called a beaver) and what my dad thought was a muskrat.

A couple of hours later, we walked the 40 yards back down to the pond to say hi to the otter/beaver/muskrat...and as we watched the thing dart to and fro, I could see the wheels turning in my expert dad's head.

"Hmmm..." he said, "it's definitely not a beaver" (Darn) "...and it looks too big to be a muskrat."

After a second, he looked at me and said, "Otter, maybe?"

That little Ava was right all along. We laughed all the way home.

Finally, someone else's splurge to report: Pete bought a Led Zeppelin CD from this site for $7.


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