A Few Updates

It's been a full couple of weeks with lots of meetings associated with The Breakthrough Center, whose launch is a 2008 goal. I'm working on it with one of my clients and last week we convened people from across the country to come and provide us with feedback on the concept. It was a powerful exchange of ideas and experiences (more powerful than I could have imagined) and we're already putting together a 100-day implementation plan. The idea for the meeting was one of those "other me" exchanges--it would have been way easier not to have done the meeting, but easier and better don't often hang out. Now not only is the concept better but it's happening! The entire process has involved application of the following mantras, practices, approaches:

1. Going slow to go fast

2. Tending to the tedious

3. ...and to the stragglers

4. Writing it down

5. Saying it out loud

6. Taking small steps

...which I also wrote about here

And finally, being grateful, which little one's smile makes easy to do:


Other bits

We're getting ready to head to the beach this week for an extended stay. I don't think I'll have internet access so I'll be back mid-May.


One Small Step

Today I'm going to try and remember to drink a lot of water.


Splurge of the Month

More passes to my yoga class. Even though I've missed last week because of meetings and I'll miss the next two because of vacation, I'm ready to get back when I get back.


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