Sajak : Walking In The Rain

I saw you
Again, in the heavy rain
You are all soaking wet
I offer you my umbrella
But you refused
"No thanks, I'm fine."
You uttered, again.

I saw you, again.
Walking in the heavy monsoon rain.
Again, my umbrella is offered.
And again, you refused.
"Don't bother. I'm already wet"
A little bit different from before.
And now I can't stop myself from asking.
Curiosity level increased tremendously

But you kept on walking.
Leaving me behind.
I ran in front of you
Raised my hand on your shoulder
"Why do you always wet yourself in the rain?"

Suddenly the lightning strikes.
I can saw your face clearly.
Your eyes are red, of tears.
"I'm sorry, I didn't meant to."
You stood still for a while.
"I chose to walk in the rain."
Your eyes were still red with tears.
"For nobody will notice I was crying."

"But why? Why you need to cry?"
Silent still, again.
"Because, I'm a sinful person.
I hope that Allah will wash away my sins while I'm repenting here."
Then again, silence.

"Why? What are your sins?"
You stared at my face, a dull stare.
"I always forgets Him. For me, that is a sin."
Then you walk away.
Leaving me wondering.
But his final word kept me thinking.

Allah, where do I put You in my life?

He can cry just by feeling away from you.
But me?

Then tears rolling over my cheek.
Heavily, as heavy the rain.
And I removed my umbrella.
Letting myself all wet.
Walking in the rain.
Leading back home with all resurrected heart.
A heart with a new hope.
That I will not let it live without Allah anymore.

Allah, please forgive me for forgetting you.

Walking In The Rain

~End Of Post~


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