Too soon? Here is "The Neutrino Song" by Corrigan Brothers

by Salman Hameed

There is no time to breathe these days. It has been only a month since the announcement of the tantalizing results that neutrinos may have broken the cosmic speed limit. We don't know if the results will hold up with further scrutiny, but it is already a part of popular culture. Incidentally, just yesterday in our class on Astrobiology, we were talking about the 1996 announcement of possible remains of Martian lifeforms in the meteorite ALH84001. Fifteen years later, almost all scientists doubt the original claim, but a majority of the general public remember only the original announcement (for which even Bill Clinton had a press conference, which was later used in the movie Contact). This may turn out to be the case for the neutrinos results too - but it has already left its mark. Here is an article on this issue and more by Dennis Overbye in today's NYT. Fascinatingly, he quotes a 1960 poem about neutrinos by John Updike that was published in the New Yorker:

The Earth is just a silly ball
To them through which they pass
Like dustmaids down a drafty hall
Or photons through a sheet of glass.

Very cool. But then he also pointed to this video by Corrigan Brothers. It is called "The Neutrino Song", and is a direct commentary on the recent results. Enjoy.


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