Saturday Video: NOVA on Pluto Files

by Salman Hameed

Here is a NOVA episode with, of course, more propaganda against Pluto :). [Update Dec 18: Also see Laurel's Pluto blog for reinstating Pluto's status as a planet]. Actually Tyson does a good job here of talking to everybody involved in the dispute over Pluto's status as a planet and also of laying out the issues involved. He also goes to Las Cruces, NM and meets Clyde Tombaugh's (the discoverer of Pluto) wife (she's got to be in her upper 90s) and family. Then around 28 minutes into the show, Tyson visits a Unitarian Church in Las Cruces, which has a stained window that celebrates the life of Clyde Tombaugh! How cool is that and it is one of those places (not always) where science and religion conflict narrative collapses (and yes, I know, we are talking about a Unitarian church, but still...).  Here is a picture of the window:

By the full disclosure here: I have a soft spot for Pluto as a planet as did my doctorate work in the astronomy department at NMSU, which was founded by Clyde Tombaugh. I had a chance to attend his 90th birthday, and it was amazing to see the popularity of Clyde and Pluto amongst kids in the US and abroad.

Watch The Pluto Files on PBS. See more from NOVA.


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