Practice: The People in My Neighborhood

(Note: the card representing Christ was meant specifically for use in introducing the song "If the Savior Stood Beside Me."  Please use the Spirit in deciding whether or not to use this card for any other activities.  For a note on using cartoon pictures of Christ in teaching, please visit here.)

These cards are meant to review any song.

I plan to introduce them as we learn "If the Savior Stood Beside Me."  Before we learn the song, I will have the children choose several cards, one at a time, and think about how they would act if that person were in the room with them.  What would they do?  What would they wear?  How would they feel?  What would they say?  Then I will show them the card with Jesus on it and ask the same questions.  

I'll teach the song, using the activity found here and when they know it, we will review the song using these same cards.  One at a time, I will have the children choose a card and we will sing the song as the person on the card would sing it.

On the last week of the month, I plan to do the review/understanding activity found here.

Ballerina: turn in circles while you sing.

Drummer: gently drum the beat or the rhythm on the chair in front of you while you sing

Cowgirl:  sing with a country twang.

Opera Singer:  sing with a strong vibrato, like an opera singer

Race Car Driver:  sing really fast.

Robot:  sing in monotone, like a robot voice

Diver:  Move your finger up and down over your lips while you sing, like you're under water.

Tight-rope Walker:  balance on one foot while you sing.

Soldier:  march while you sing

Jesus:  sing super reverently.

(For another set of cards, see the post here. Also, if you have ideas for other cards you'd like me to make, leave suggestions in the comments. I plan to have a second set ready in a few weeks.)


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