Song: A Child's Prayer

For August's song, I will teach each verse separately, using the flip chart at the bottom of the page.  Then, I will teach the children to put the two verses together by having them sing along while I play the video below on my iPad or laptop.  If you don't wish to use the video, the flipchart includes the side-by-side clipart for the third time through.

The video is also available on YouTube.

I can't guarantee this will work, but I've tried to make the video available for download here.

Heavenly Father, are you really there?

And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?

Some say that heaven is far away

But I feel it close around me as I pray.

Heavenly Father, I remember now

Something that Jesus told his disciples long ago,

"Suffer the children to come to me,"

Father, in prayer I'm coming now to thee.

Pray, He is there.

Speak, He is listening.

You are His child.

His love now surrounds you.

He hears your prayer.

He loves the children.

Of such is the kingdom,

The kingdom of heaven.


1.  Before you teach this song, quickly teach the children first verse either "Jesus Loved the Little Children," or "I Think When I Read That Sweet Story."   Have them look up the scripture Matthew 19:14 and quickly review the story of Jesus blessing the children.

2.  Ask the children to listen for the questions posed in the first verse and the answers to those questions in the second verse.  ("Heavenly Father, are you really there?"  "Pray, He is there."  and "And do you hear and answer every child's prayer?"  "Speak, He is listening.")  then ask them How we know that Heavenly Father loves us and wants to hear from us?  "I feel it close around me as I pray," "His love (blessings) surrounds you."  "He loves the children."  and we remember the story from the scriptures.)

3.  Talk about the different reasons we may have for praying.  Some are found in the flip chart and some are not.  That activity can be found here.  Consider teaching the song "Children All Over the World."

4.  Practice singing the song in two parts with the activity found here.


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