Dear Ana!

Dear Ana,
I guess the day has finally arrived and you have officially graduated Kindergarten and you are on your way to becoming a wonderful first grade student. You have come a long way since we first met. We have spent the year together side by side. We have talked about everything under the sun. You have been my constant companion. I wonder what I will do next year when there isn't a sole to bring me crowns to wear or fabulous headbands? I am sure going to miss you and all of your props you brought to school each week. We all loved the lime green, cat eyed, grandma reading glasses and who could forget the hot pink monkey robe just in case someone might need it. I won't forget the lesson that you taught to me...and I can still hear you say it over and over in my head. I will ALWAYS remember to "fake cry" when I don't get my way at home and see if my family will fall for it. Words to live by! But most important, when I am missing you I will remember all the times you told me you wished I was your sister. And you know what? I bet we are someday!
Your Sister Mrs. Coe


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