WHMP segment on astronomy, science and other musings

by Salman Hameed

I have been occasionally invited to the morning show with Bill Newman (and Monte Belmonte) on our WHMP radio station in Northampton, MA. It has always been very enjoyable (for example, see here), and now they have set-up a regular monthly segment for a chat about astronomy, science, and other related things. It is called Musings on Our Insanely Huge Universe, and it will be featured on the first Tuesday of each month. If you are in the area, you can catch it at 9 at AM 1400 or FM 96.9

The first one was earlier this month, and we talked about a new earth-orbiting asteroid (well, this asteroid is always in front of us in our orbit), a supermassive black hole swallowing up a star, and on the latest signs of liquid water flow on today's Mars. All of these items are fascinating and it was good to start up this new segment with these three. You can listen to the podcast of the show here (the Musings segment starts about 10 minutes into the show). 


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