The film autopsy of "50/50" and "Drive"

by Salman Hameed

How does one deal with the threat of death? Most religions have major components that deal with the topic of death. The film, 50/50, addresses the topic of cancer and death in an intelligent manner. You must be thinking right now that you really don't want to see a movie about cancer. However, trust me - this is a smart and funny film that respects its characters. Give it a chance! Here is its film autopsy:

Film Autopsy of 50/50 from kevin taylor anderson on Vimeo.

And if you are truly looking for a fantastic film, check out Drive. It is one of the most interesting films I have seen this year. The best way to describe Drive is "cool". While it is a fantastic film, be warned, that it is also quite violent (see the trailer below). It is rare that one comes out of the theater and says "wow - I haven't seen any thing like this before". Do check out the film, and here is its film autopsy:

Film Autopsy of Drive from kevin taylor anderson on Vimeo.

To give you a taste, here is the trailer for Drive:


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