Activity: Valentines

Cut out each of the hearts and tape each one to the bottom of a chair before the children come in. 

At the beginning of singing time, ask the children to check the bottoms of their chairs.  One by one, have the children bring up their hearts and put them into a valentines box.  As each heart goes into the box, discuss a gift that Heavenly Father has given us because He loves us.  Discuss the gift and sing the associated song.  Below, I've listed my eplanations and song choices.  You may need to adjust slightly to utilize songs that your primary is familiar with.

At the end of singing time, ask the children what they can give Heavenly Father to show their love for Him.  Have the children read John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."  Ask them to pay special attention to keeping the commandments until Valentines day as a gift to Heavenly Father.

Baptism:  Heavenly Father wanted to provide us a way to cleanse ourselves from sin and enter into His kingdom, so he gave us the baptismal ordinance.

Baptism:  Heavenly Father wanted to provide us a way to cleanse ourselves from sin and enter into His kingdom, so he gave us the baptismal ordinance.

Song:Baptism #100

The Earth- Heavenly Father blessed us with physical bodies and the temporal things we need to take care of those bodies and enjoy our lives.

Song:  My Heavenly Father Loves Me #228

Commandments:  Heavenly Father gave us commandments to teach us the best way to live if we want to be happy.

Song:  Keep the Commandments  #146


Family: Heavenly Father knew that we would need help in our earthly trials, so he blessed us with families to help, love and teach us.

Song:  Families Can Be Together Forever  #188

The Holy Ghost:  Heavenly Father knew that there would be times when we would need His comfort, guidance and love.  He sent the Holy Ghost.

Song:  The Holy Ghost  #105

Prayer:  Heavenly Father provided us with a way to talk to him, thank him and ask for blessings.

Song:  A Child's Prayer #12

Pophet:  In order to help us understand how the scriptures apply to our times, Heavenly Father blessed us with prophets who can receive revelation from Him and guide His church in holiness.

Song:  Follow the Prophet #110
Latter-day Prophets 134

The Savior:  Because we cannot live with him again unless we are clean and spotless, Heavenly Father  provided us with a Savior.

Song:  I'm Trying to be Like Jesus #78

Scriptures:  Heavenly Father has given us His words in the form of scriptures so that we can learn more about Him and how to return to live with Him.

Song:  Search, Ponder, and Pray #109

Temple:  Heavenly Father provided us a place to go to be near him, learn about His plan for us, and make covenants.

Song:  I Love to See the Temple #95

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